A Rude Awakening

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As the wind breeze flew through the sky, Lawrence opened his eyes. He gets up from the ground and looks around to see nothing but flat grass that was short but beautiful. "Where the hell am I" he asked himself. Lawrence walks around in confusion.  "This is obviously not home. I could've sworn that I was on my game with the others. But how did I end up here." He questioned himself.

As Lawrence was walking around, he spotted a light tanned path that seemed to be leading towards a village in the distance. As Lawrence walked down the path, he stopped in his tracks. His eyes widened as he looked down at his hand. Lawrence's hand was fading, turning see through, able to see the dirt ground.

"What the hell.... this shouldn't be possible." he exclaimed, still staring at his see-through hand.

His vision started getting blurry, bullets of sweat began falling on the dirt path causing the dirt to become wet "I can't.... I'm losing my vision..." Lawrence mumbled. He falls to his knees, before laying down on the path.

"S-someone...help" Lawrence muttered while breathing heavily.

Lawrence's vision became blurrier by the passing seconds, before passing out on the ground

A few hours passed; Lawrence wakes up looking at a oak handmade wooden. He sat up and looked around in a room with a table next to him. "Damn my head hurts like hell." he said rubbing. As Lawrence gets out of the bed, the door of the room opens. It was a old women that entered the room, holding a tray of medicine. She spoke "Looks like you finally woke up. My name Constance. When I found you, you were passed out on the path that was leading to our village."

Lawrence looks at the old lady, "Well thanks for the help, i thought i was gonna die-" Lawrence stops speaking before remembering his fading hand. Constance looked at him with concern. "Oh so you already know about your fading body? She asked.

He looked at his hands again with fear and distraught. "But there is a way for you to stop this." She explained.

"What's the cost. I'll do anything to get it back?" Lawrence asked.

Constance grabbed Lawrence's hand and dragged him out of the room and through the dark hallway to the backyard of her home.

"It's time for you get your form back now." Constance announced while dragging Lawrence to the middle of her yard.

Lawrence smiled, feeling proud of get his physical form back. "This sounds easy too do" Lawrence smiled. Moments later, Constance looked at Lawrence with seriousness, As if he was a enemy of her. "Lawrence, this task isn't easy at all.

First, You have to make contact with your consciousness, after you make contact, their will be a somebody waiting. And that would be....The Astral Beast..." Constance stated.

Lawrence's eyes widened in concern. "Will I die if I do it wrong?." Lawrence asked. Constance looked at him and said "Look I know this scary but you must face him and regain your physical form back. I believe in you Lawrence." Lawrence slaps his face and closed his eyes. Constance shifted both of her hands and put them on Lawrence's head.

"Now imagine a void surrounded you, As the void surrounds you, you see a door leading to your consciousness. This goodbye for now Lawrence, Do your best." Constance final message to Lawrence. Lawrence fell into his consciousness which seem like a endless black void of pure nothingness.

As he looked around for a moment, something appeared right in front of him. A being shaped as a human with red glowing eyes, claws sharper than a sword, and a aura that is unexplainably. Lawrence stared at the being with fear in his eyes. Lawrence spoke to the being "I'm assuming that you're the Astral Beast that I heard of."

The being started walking towards Lawrence and said "A weak human like you don't deserve my power."

The Astral Beast charged at Lawrence with speed that no human could achieve. The Astral Beast punched Lawrence in his chin sending him flying back. "What the hell was that...it felt like I just got hit with a truck or something." Lawrence expressed. The Astral Beast spoke again "A weak human like you don't deserve my power." The Astral Beast charged at Lawrence again. Lawrence stood up and tried to block the kick, but impact of the kick was too strong for Lawrence which sent him flying again.

The Astral Beast charged at him while he was trying to recover. "Shit I'm done for.....but I don't want it to end like this." The Astral Beast charged a punch at him. Lawrence closed his eyes ready to accept his fate until a voice spoke to him. "Are you going to sit here and let this being kill you. Then your pathetic, maybe this beast should kill you." The Voice shouted.

"Your wrong....i won't die here...My friends are probably in this world...and if I die here then I won't be able to see them." Lawrence asserted. "This is a unwinnable fight" The Voice said. 'I WILL WIN" he replied before snapping back into reality and punching the Astral Beast that sent him back a little.

The Astral Beast looked at him with a grin. Lawrence glared at the Beast with his eyes flashing red with determination. Astral Beast threw a punch at Lawrence, he blocked it and punched the being in the stomach then kicked him in the chest. The Beast threw another punch, Lawrence ducked it then did perform a sweep kick making the Beast fall on the floor. Lawrence jumped in the air and said, "i won't give up because I have my own goal!!" Lawrence came down with a finishing blow. He watches the Astral Beast denigrate in the air. Lawrence puts his hand in the air and saw his physical form returning to him. He smiles then exited out of his consciousness. Lawrence opened his eyes able to fill the air again. Constance looked at Lawrence with smile.

"Seems like you did it huh." Constance smiled.

"Thanks for your help Constance, without you I probably would have been faded away already" Lawrence thanked.

"No problem I couldn't just sit back and let you die right in front of me" Constance replied.

Lawrence and Constance walked back in the house and walked to the front door. "if your leaving I recommend that you head north to the Kingdom of Remark" Constance recommended. Lawrence smiled at Constance and started walking.

"thanks again Constance" Lawrence said before walking down the path.

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