Shakhi TS Oui, Chef Pt III | B |

Start from the beginning

"This is my brother, Karthick"

Shaurya looked at Anokhi in shock. He didn't expect the guy to be her brother.

"He's a substance addict. He may look normal but we can never predict how he would react. We try to restrict him within our house but sometimes if he feels too restricted in life then, we would let him leave the house. We took him to doctor but he refused take treatment in rehabilitation centre. He threatened us that he would commit suicide. He's getting violent very often that we keep him lock inside his room. My father and I, we are living everyday by hearing his scream and tears."

Shaurya listened patiently, his hand reaching out for Anokhi's. She held his hand tightly.

"He wasn't always like this. Four years before I was working at Bangalore. My brother and mother wanted to come surprise me. They decided to come by road. Their car got into an accident. In that accident... accident... my brother was severely injured but he survived... but... but my mother..."

Anokhi heaved a deep sigh as she wiped her tears.

"Post this accident, my brother's trauma changed him completely. My father and I, we were mourning my mother's death. Even after my brother was alright, the loss of my mother made us suffer. He started drinking first. My father scolded him. Karthick bhaiya said he'll stop drinking. Before we could realize what's happening with him, he was completely addicted. From then to now, this is how we are struggling. It hurts to see my brother in this state but I don't know how long we will keep him like this!"

Shaurya wrapped his arm around Anokhi's shoulder and brought her to rest herself against him. She rested her head against his chest and wrapped her arms around him. He caressed her arm softly while she closed her eyes and listened to his thumping heartbeat.

"Do you trust me, Anokhi?" Shaurya asked in a soft voice.

Anokhi looked at Shaurya as she half-broke the hug,

"I may look happy, bounce here and then spreading my smiles but I have my own pain, own scars. I never told anything about my family to you it's because I really liked you. I wanted to be a happy figure in your eyes. But in your presence, I didn't find the need to hide my true self. I don't care if I'm imperfect. I don't care if I'm broken because I feel secure in your embrace, Shaurya. Your presence soothes me that I choose to be vulnerable around you. Then how will I not trust you?"

Shaurya was overwhelmed with Anokhi's words. He didn't realize he held such a hold over her. He cupped her face with his hand and gently wiped her tears as they stared into each other's life.

"Then, will you trust me with your brother?" Shaurya asked softly.

Anokhi took a second to think but seeing the depths of Shaurya's eyes, she nodded her head affirmatively.

"Mujhe yeh kaafi hai" Shaurya said leaving her face and took her both hands in his, "Will you send your brother with me?"

Anokhi frowned.


"Yaar, you trust me, right?"

"Haan...par Papa?"

"I'll talk to him" Shaurya assured Anokhi and stood up followed by her.

Leaving her two-wheeler in the parking lot, they reached Anokhi's home in his car. They helped Karthick inside. Krishnan was awake, waiting for his kids. Anokhi introduced Shaurya to her father who then sat down to speak about Karthick.

"Uncle, I'll get to the main matter. My friend Neil Khana runs a rehabilitation centre in Naldehra. I firmly believe and know that he can cure Karthick. If you trust me, I can take Karthick to Neil. I know Karthick is suffering and along with him you and Anokhi are suffering as well. I know Anokhi for months. I work along with her and I know that she trusts me. I also know that I didn't offer any chances or instances for you to trust me but I want to help you all with Karthick because I have been in the same position as yours"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 31 ⏰

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