Epiphany | A FIVE

Start from the beginning

Immediately, Cassandra caught the brunette pass her a pointed look and on an unspoken count, they dropped their arms and let Ramesh's body fall to a heap on the floor.

"And that was physics." quipped Andrea.

Cassandra high fived her.

"Not... cool." croaked the limp boy beneath them.

"Come on, a big strong guy like you doesn't need help from us girls, does he?" taunted Cassandra.

"This is abuse." Ramesh hissed to the floor.

"Did you hear anything, Cassandra?"

"No I didn't."

There was groaning mixed with whimpers from the slobbered body by their feet. Close to tears, in fact. "Please. Help."

As tempted as Cassandra felt, she heeded the cries and Andrea must've found him just as pitiful as they scooped him back up to their shoulders.

Ramesh may have been a nuisance, overconfident and a complete moron but he was still more favourable in Cassandra's eyes than that diabolical Adler. Which she found a very sad place to be in.

"God, how are you so heavy when you're skinnier than a twig?" groaned Andrea.

The girls hadn't even made it halfway to the destination and Cassandra could tell Andrea was severely fatigued by her sunken eyes and haggard breaths. Cassandra herself was putting her all in the withering ounce of strength but she feared her legs would give way at any moment. Then suddenly, a figure emerged and effortlessly slung Ramesh off the girls' shoulders.

The two could only look up at Will Butler in befuddlement. "You guys can go change. I've got him."

They blinked, repeatedly.

"What? You can go, this isn't a trick or anything." He assured them.

"Why are you helping us?" questioned Cassandra.

"You look like you needed a hand."

"We were fine." She lied.

Will winced at her tone. "No, I didn't mean you can't, that um, came out wrong."

"It's okay, we get it." Andrea hastily intervened. "Come on, Cassandra. Let's go."

She clutched Cassandra's hand, tearing her from glowering at the fellow King and they redirected their steps to the girl's section.

Immediately, when the blonde's pretty face was out of sight, Cassandra's blood pressure simmered and she realised what she'd done. "Oh my god, I'm sorry Andrea. I don't know why I said that."

Cassandra normally wasn't one to get prideful but her exhaustion and rapidly increasing hate to Adler had anything related to him compelled her to retaliate. Except, this wasn't all about her, Andrea was just as exhausted and made a mockery of too.

"It's okay." Andrea said with a small smile. "Who would want help from them? But it's best to think rationally and more than just saving face. I don't know if he's helping out of pity or whatever but I'll use it to my advantage."

Cassandra was in amazement at the brunette's strategical reasoning. "You're so cool."

"What? Me?"

"Yeah, you. You were even the first one to think of a way to pick up the cones, you definitely deserve to be in the club more than anyone."

"No I don't." Andrea mumbled, a dust of pink tinging her cheeks. "I'm nothing that great."

Cassandra tried to make her see otherwise, but the brunette was insistent on not taking the compliments. Cassandra found the girl truly gallant.

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