It went quiet between us, before Jenner took a breath, "Well, when things got bad a lot of people just left. They went off to be with their families. When things got worse, when the military bases got overrun, the rest bolted."

"Every last one?" Shane asked him, cocking his brow.

"No," Jenner replies, his eyes never leaving him, "Maybe couldn't face walking out the door. They opted out. There was a rash of suicides." His eyes fell down to the table in front of him, "..Now that was a bad time."

A curious look came onto Andrea's face, "But you didn't leave, why?"

His eyes shifted over to her, "I kept working, I was hoping to do some good."

It started to grow quiet between us, when Glenn walked over and sat next to T-Dog, "Dude, you're such a buzzkill, man." He says to Shane.

The rest of the dinner was quiet between the whole group.

After we were done eating, Dr. Jenner stood up to his feet, "If you guys would follow me, I can show you where your rooms are."

Rick nodded to him, his gaze shifted to us, "Come on."

All of us stood up to our feet, and followed him out of the cafeteria. We walked in silence down the hall, when Jenner took a breath, "Most of the physicality is powered down, because of food and housing, so you'll have to make due here." He glanced back at us, "The couches are comfortable, but there are cots in storage if you'd like. There's a wreck-room down the hall that you kids might enjoy." He says, turning around and looking at Carl, Clive, and Sophia, "Just don't plug in the video games okay? Or anything that draws power."

"No video games, got it." Clive smiles, nodding to him.

"The same applies." Jenner says, looking at us, "If you shower, go easy on the hot water." He then turns and walks off.

Glenn then turns around and looks at us, "Hot water?" He smiles. T-Dog's eyes shifted to him, "That's what the man said." He smiles, nodding.


I shook the towel against my wet hair, trying to dry it a bit. The shower was amazing, I honestly never thought I'd ever get a hot shower ever again.

I wore one of my big shirts with a pair of my sleep shorts. I was on my way to the wreck-rooms to see if Clive was in there.

A light smile was on my face, as I made it to the room and creaked the door open. I saw Clive, Carl, and Sophia playing a board game at the coffee table, while Carol was reading a book.

"Hey guys." I smiled, walking into the room.

Carol's eyes shifted over to me, "Hey, Grace." She smiled, before turning back to the book in her hands. Clive's eyes shifted over to me, "It's about time you got out of that shower. I was starting to get worried."

I scoffed, cocking my brows a bit, "You were worried about me?" I asked, taking a couple steps closer to him.

"Yeah." My nephew nodded, smiling, "I was afraid that you were gonna drown in there." He jokes, causing Sophia to giggle and Carl.

"You were afraid I was going to..?" I trailed, as I squinted my eyes at him.

We then heard the sound of footsteps coming into the room. Our eyes shifted over to see Lori walking into the room. A huge smile on her face, and a glass of wine in her hands, "Any good books?"

Carol's eyes shifted to her, as a smile crept onto her face, "It's enough to keep us busy for years."

My eyes shifted to my nephew, "You can start a new one after you're finished with the book, you can give it back to Dale." I stated, smiling lightly.

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