The Farm

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Mine, Rick, and Shane's heart began to race, as Carl hit the ground.

"No.." Rick mumbled, his smile dropping from his face, "No, no, no, no!" He quickly ran over to his son's side, and placed his hand onto the place where Carl had gotten shot at.

Shane and I quickly followed after him, and looked around the area to find the person who shot the gun. Our eyes then landed on an overweight man, as he stepped out to where the deer was.

A panicked look was on his face, as he looked down at Carl and Rick, "Oh no, he got hit didn't he?"

Shane and I quickly raised our guns up at him, "Drop your weapon!!"

"Whoa! Whoa!" The man shouts, raising his hands up in the air, "Don't shoot!"

"Why?" I snapped, a stern look on my face, "So you can shoot us too?"

"Just listen!-"

"How can we listen, you just shot my boy!!" Rick shouts back, tears filling his eyes.

"If we go back the way I came from, there's a farm not too far from here." The man pants, trying to control his breathing, "There's a man named Hershel, he can save your boy."

Rick didn't hesitate to pick Carl up from the ground, and started to hold him close to him. He then ran past us.

Shane's eyes shifted to me, "Shane, go with Rick, I'll stay with this jackass."

I nodded, and began to chase after Rick.

He and I began to run through the woods as fast as we could to try to make it to his farmhouse this guy was talking about. Him and Shane followed behind us, and he was making him run. If he fell, Shane would pick him up to his feet.

We soon made it into the field, and the four of us didn't stop running.

A couple seconds later, Rick began to slow down, "How far?!" He shouts, turning and looking at the overweight man, "How far!!"

"Another half mile that way!!" The man shouts, pointing ahead of us, "Talk to Hershel, he'll help your boy!"

Rick nodded, he and I turned back around, and continued to run through the field.

A few minutes later, our eyes landed on a huge white farmhouse. I glanced over at him, "I think this is the house." I panted, as we ran closer and closer towards the building.

I ran ahead of Rick, and saw an older man walk out onto his porch. An older woman, a teenager boy and girl, as well as two other girls following behind him.

As Rick and I ran into the driveway, a girl with shoulder length brunette hair and bangs stepped down onto the porch steps, "Who are you two?" She asks me, furrowing her brows.

I shook my head, "That doesn't matter right now." I panted, trying to catch my breath.

Before she could answer, the old man spoke up, "Was he bit?"

"No, he was shot." Rick quickly said, as we ran over to them, "He was shot by your man."

"Otis?" The older woman asked, a confused look coming onto her face.

"He said to find Hershel." Rick panted, as he and I walked towards the porch steps. He raises his brows, "Is that you?"

The older man nodded.

"Please help him." He cried, "Help my boy!"

"Get him inside!" Hershel shouted, walking into the house. Rick and I walked up the porch steps, and into the building, following after his people.

My Apocalypses ~ TWD and SPNOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora