How To Gain A Shark Roommate

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Why me, God? You've placed me in a low-paying job that barely helps me make ends meet and force me to pay a buttload in taxes and insurance and now, after giving me the beginning of a Resident Evil novel, you've taken away the only job that allowed me to earn money.

Carrying a wriggling shark, who kept shouting to the heavens, "Put her down; she is not a child." I ran without direction, desperate to escape the now-destroyed cafe in order to avoid the possibility something worse might happen to the shark and possible authories . Her struggles made it hard to run as she kept wiggling against my arm. I was unaware of the distance I'd covered until the rush of adrenaline faded.

As I finally regained my senses, we found ourselves in Washington Square Park, the towering white arch and eyesore that nonetheless provided a sense of direction. Lying on the cold grass, I wondered why I was the one chosen to face this ordeal because of that damned Taingo. Had I not spoken to him, none of this would have occurred.

Why is all this happening to me? Who have I angered at work?

I found solace only by gazing at the night sky. Despite my frustration and intense scrutiny of the faint star barely visible beneath the city's thick smog, something about the sky was off. It didn't feel right, as if something or someone was observing me. Wait, do those stars look strange? Almost like eyes...

"Hey, what's with that funny face?" The voice of my misery rang out.

The embodiment of my distress sat opposite me on a park bench. As I settled myself to face my woes, personified by a shark, she sat nonchalantly, legs swinging carefree. Her hood was down, displaying her unruly, spiky white hair, with short pigtails secured by shark-shaped clips at the sides of her head. 

To be so free from reasonability must be nice. Just watching this carefree attitude I was consumed by a blend of anger, awe, and confusion at the sight of the diminutive shark girl. One question haunted me: What on earth had I stumbled upon?

"So... you're not just a random cosplayer?" were the first words that slipped out. Gura snapped back into focus, her sapphire gaze locking onto my position. The swiftness of her movement sent a shiver down my spine.

"After all I've told you, do you believe me now? And why were you running like a madman?" The shark-like being seemed unbothered by the chase and chided me as if I were a child. All I could do was stare, rising from the cold ground to join her on the bench.

"So, how long have you been able to do that water trick?" I tried mimicking the gestures I had seen her perform, but nothing happened.

"I've been doing this since I was a little pup, duh!" she exclaimed proudly, thrusting her hand close to my face. My gaze was locked on the scene before me. The familiar liquid danced around her arm, gradually morphing into a trident, though it remained in a fluid state.

"Could this be reality, or am I under the influence or in a coma?" I mused. Gura appeared perplexed by my steadfast refusal to acknowledge her existence and her efforts to present water to me as proof of reality. 

Drawing nearer, I extended my hand toward the orb of water, experiencing its cool, rippling sensation without danger. A rush of exhilaration surged through me, the water's presence heady, until I abruptly pulled back, and the form disappeared.

I became engrossed with the sensation in my arm, feeling an unusual bubbling, as though a surge of energy was flowing through it. I could still sense it gradually diminishing within me. Whatever this energy was, it felt unnatural.

"I thought the tail and trident made it clear I was an Atlantean," she said, irritation edging into her voice as her tail slapped the bench beside her. She radiated pride in her heritage.

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