Atlantean Trigger

387 13 15

The cafe was only a few blocks away, yet the burden of carrying the girl made it seem like an eternity. Her grip was unyielding, and I couldn't have released her even if I had wished to. Leaving her was not an option; her current state was evident.

Upon reaching the cafe, I hastily retrieved the spare key from my pocket with my free hand and unlocked the front door. The door swung open, and I hurried inside, knowing exactly where the medical kit was stored in the break room, the girl still in my arms.

The fluorescent lights bathed the room in a soft glow, highlighting its unusual emptiness, devoid of the typical chatter and activity of coworkers on break.

I gently placed the girl on a chair, her eyes locked on mine silently watching my movements. She whispered softly, a low growl of hunger coming from her. Though she wasn't bleeding, cuts and bruises marred her pale skin.

With urgency, I grabbed the bright red first aid kit from the wall, my hands trembling as I fumbled to open it. Inside were alcohol wipes and bandages, the necessary items to treat her injuries.

As I turned back to her, she was alert and appeared frail, struggling to remain upright in the chair. "Stand back!" she commanded, revealing sharp, white shark-like teeth.

Her teeth seemed too realistic to be fake. And then I noticed it—a shark tail, complete with cuts and a missing chunk, protruding from her blue, shark-themed hoodie.

I took a step back, startled by her actions, I couldn't help but wonder what the hell if I had stumbled into. The girl's appearance was unlike anything I had ever seen before—a mix between human and shark. But despite her intimidating display, there was still a vulnerability in her eyes that called out to me.

"Hey, it's okay," I mumbled, trying to sound as reassuring as possible despite my own growing sense of worry at the girl's appearance. Her sharp teeth are still exposed. "I'm not here to hurt you. I just want to help."

The girl's gaze softened, and her posture relaxed somewhat, though she remained cautious. I approached her once more, this time extending the first aid kit as a peace offering.

Once her wounds were tended to, I retreated to afford her some space. She looked marginally better but retained a distant air. Exiting the break room might elevate her mood.

"Do you want some food?" I inquired softly, smiling reassuringly and reaching out my hand to her in a comforting gesture. Despite her disheveled appearance, there was an undeniable strength in her eyes.

She gave my hand a tentative look, her eyes holding mine. Her jaw was set firmly, her body language still stiff and tense. Before she could make a decision, a loud growl from her stomach broke the tension, and she quickly look down with embarrassed glance.

"Food," she murmured, a flush of embarrassment spreading across her face. "I'm... I'm very hungry." Accepting my hand at last, we made our way to the cafe at a leisurely pace.

The cafe, usually vibrant, was quiet with James having turned off the lights; the aroma of coffee lingered, but the warm glow and bustling queue were absent.

Stepping inside, our footsteps resonated in the stillness. I flicked on the lights, dispelling the shadows. The room brightened, instilling a welcoming atmosphere as I led her to a table by the counter and offered her a seat on a plastic chair. She hesitated before sitting, her sapphire eyes sweeping the room cautiously. When I tried to step away, her grip on my shirt stopped me.

"Don't worry, I'll get you some food," I said, smiling reassuringly. She seemed to relax, letting go of my shirt, which allowed me to head behind the counter.

Steward Of Idols (Hololive x Male OC)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora