First Contact

363 17 7

"Sometimes, answers lie in unexpected places. You might be surprised at what you find."


The sounds of alarm made its presence known as I finally woke up with a jolt. God I, that was a rough night. As I gently massage my face to come back to reality. The pools of sweat soaked my entire body as I slowly pushed the sheet away. My mind was still racing every movement causing my body to light up in pain and soreness. The effects of the previous nightmare still linger on my body.

As I stared at the alarm at the nightstand my thoughts quickly shifted from nightmare to the fact that it was 7:25am. Which means I need to get my tired self to work since the bills won't pay themselves. I still couldn't shake the words from Motoaki Tanigo. The research I thought would have brought me closure instead brought more mysteries. A CEO of a Japanese v-tuber company talking about searching supernatural links within the same industry. Is he trying to play a bit or doing some arg for Hololive is a part of it that didn't make sense?

Or am I just going crazy and it's just some random guy rambling?

It seemed like my endless attempts rationalizing the question was going to drive me until reality sets back in. I need to get ready for work. With one deep breath I push the event from previous nights to help clear my mind. My legs are slowly finding the strength to help lift my cumbersome body to the bathroom.

As I went through my morning routine, the events of the previous night continued to linger in the back of my mind. The encounter with Motoaki Tanigo, the strange conversation about V-tubers and the supernatural, and the unsettling research I had conducted all weighed heavily on my thoughts.

I manage to reach the bathroom and try to distract myself with cold water in the sink to help shake any tiredness left in my body. Despite trying to distract myself. I couldn't push the events aside and focus on the tasks at hand, the questions persisted. Was there truly something more to the V-tuber industry than meets the eye? And if so, what was Hololive's involvement in it? Am I just going crazy from being online too much?

I couldn't shake the feeling of unease that gnawed at me. The mundane tasks of the morning seemed insignificant compared to the mysteries that awaited me. But with a deep breath, I pushed the thoughts aside while grabbing my wallet and began to head out the door. Whatever is happening with me. I wouldn't let it interfere with work.

The cool morning air whistles against my face as I walk up to the apartment building. Familiar sounds reached my ears of New York as it came alive and no matter where I looked it was bustling with activity, the sounds of cars honking and people chatting filling the air. The familiar sights and sounds helped provide a sense of normalcy amidst the chaos of my delusions.

Walking toward my jobs I couldn't help but be lost in my thoughts. I shouldn't be worried about Taingo words. It was just a prank. Maybe I should take a vacation. That if I could even afford and who would I even take it with?

Soon the shiny windows of the cafe came into view. I couldn't help but wonder what the day would bring. Maybe work could help distract me from my delusions.

As you approach the cafe, you notice the familiar scent of freshly brewed coffee wafting through the air, mingling with the aroma of pastries and baked goods. The sound of steaming milk and the clinking of cups being set on saucers fill the space as you step inside.

The cafe was slightly busy with the usual morning traffic. Just people trying to get a quick coffee and breakfast on the go. The colorful display of baked goods helps provide some sources of comfort. But I need to get back to my main task of getting ready for work.

Steward Of Idols (Hololive x Male OC)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora