One Problem After Another

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"I'll try to talk to my Grandpa, I think he might have a way to fix this, ok?"

After such a revelation not too long ago, they had finally arrived at their destination, specifically standing at the front entrance of an RV called the Rust Bucket. Ben Tennyson was trying his best to keep the hope and motivation alive in the two girls following him.


Though both Velvet and Coco looks completely lifeless, metaphorically speaking, it was as if all of their hopes and motivation were stolen from them, leaving nothing but a depressed mess, which made Tennyson frown.

'I really hope Grandpa has a way to send them home.'

Ben then looks back at the door of the RV and knocks on it, though after a moment or two, no one replied, which immediately confused him.

"That's odd, he always answers?"

Ben suddenly wore a suspicious face, which did catch the two girls attention.

"Maybe he's not home?"

Coco crossed her arms, it seems that any negative feelings towards him were gone, though was still ever doubtful and unconvinced in what the boy in green was trying to do.


Ben, after knocking a few more times to be sure, decided to take action, kneeling down to get a hidden key that was hiding under a rock before using it to open the door.

"Stay here, I'll be right back."

The tone that Ben used made both Adel and Scarlatina suddenly be more focused and slightly tensed up, as if realizing they were now in a situation that requires it.

"What's happening?"

Velvet couldn't help but be concerned, while she doesn't know why Tennyson spoke and wore an expression of caution, she knew she was in a serious moment.

"I don't know."

Was all Ben could say as he then carefully walks into the Rust Bucket, leaving the two girls outside, who just looked at each other, still confused on what was going on, though such confusing thoughts were quickly answered by the sounds of loud crashing and breaking, yelling and monstrous growls and screeching, these obvious hints were enough for the Bunny and Fashionista to take action, both rushing into the RV, ready to help the boy in green.


Though once Velvet and Adel came inside the mobile home, both were both shocked, and maybe a bit disgusted, to see Tennyson fight and hold back some kind of large brain like creature, with golden bronze body that held in gross tendrils and black sharp claws that nearly slashes it's target guts open, it was very clear that this was no normal situation they found themselves in.

"I don't know what you are, but you're to ugly to look at."

Coco wasted no time pulling out her weapon called Gianduja, unfolding it into it's familiar looking Gatling Gun mode, the brain creature only had enough time to look at her and her weapon with wide eye, before she pulled the trigger and shoots the ever living crap out of it, hundreds of thousands of bullets hitting the monster with enough force to send it flying and crashing through the window, though it seemed to have remained unharmed, since it was able to get back up and ran off, leaving everyone behind to process what just happened.

"W-Wow, so that's what would've happened to me..."

Ben was sitting on the ground, trying to catch his breath after his struggling with the brain creature, while also being thankful and slightly surprised by what the Fashionista was able to do.

10 Chocolate Bunnies Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora