Chapter 04. is also Nanny

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Bayin Road, which runs from north to south. It is the central axis of Liuli City and the most prosperous road. To the east of the road are administrative buildings and to the west are business office buildings. The tallest one is the landmark of Chishang Group. Although it is a building The skyline is surrounded on both sides by the two twin towers of the Xiao Group.

Chi Nian was going to Dean's Apartment, the back garden of Bayin Road. This is not a luxury apartment, but a mid-to-high-end apartment, mostly occupied by gold-collar workers and white-collar workers. Under Chi Nian's guidance, Zhang Yuning rode into the community. It was not yet dawn, and they did not attract anyone's attention. When entering the community, Chi Nian required fingerprint recognition, as if they had already arranged it.

The apartment is on the top floor, 68 floors in total. Standing in the elevator, Zhang Yuning glanced at the elevator monitor with some worry. Would this really reveal her whereabouts? Aren't you afraid that the Chi family will come looking for you?

"What are you worried about?" Chi Nian noticed her caution.

"This is right under Chi Jing's nose."

"So what?"

"The most dangerous place is the safest place?" Zhang Yuning didn't understand her strategy. She had to have a plan to escape this time. He was avoiding Chi Jing and planning a counterattack, right?

Chi Nian was not simple. Her various behaviors made Zhang Yuning suspect that the innocent, lively and outgoing daughter was just pretending to be seen by the world.

The battle between wealthy families is deep. Chi Nian only has shares and no connections. How can he fight against the group of old shareholders headed by Chi Jing?

Chi Nian did not answer, but yawned sleepily. The elevator dinged, and when he walked out, he found a single-family house. It stands to reason that the houses here should be two units on one floor. The quality is okay, after all, it is in the urban area, but it does not match Chi Nian's status.

But when Chi Nian opened the entrance door, Zhang Yuning felt that she was short-sighted. Two households were merged into one, and the entire floor was opened up. The ordinary ordinary apartment was transformed into a luxurious flat floor. The entire east-facing wall was replaced by glass, giving a panoramic view of the prosperity of the entire urban area. The view from the commanding heights, You can jump over the blocked tall buildings and face the headquarters buildings of Chishang Group and Xiao Group. There is no balcony, and you can enjoy the scenery everywhere. There are astronomical telescopes and cameras with telephoto lenses in front of the glass wall. All the furniture in the house are voice recognition.

There is a desk in front of the curtain wall, and all the computers, notebooks, and projectors needed for the office. , robot assistants are all available. Zhang Yuning discovered that the east and west of this house are clearly divided, with the office area in the east and the living area in the west. It has a clear layout of two bedrooms, two living rooms, two bathrooms and one kitchen. There is a sliding door between the two areas, like two worlds intersecting in parallel. It is a vanity fair of overt and covert struggle, while on one side is the ordinary life of the peaceful side. "I'm going to take a nap. Make breakfast and call me at 7 o'clock." Chi Nian left these words and walked into the master bedroom. "I'm a bodyguard, not a bodyguard..." Before Zhang Yuning could finish her words, she only heard the sound of the door closing.

She didn't even give him a chance to refuse, but it seemed like he couldn't refuse either. She is not a nanny. In addition to being responsible for personal safety, is she also responsible for daily living? Zhang Yuning knew how to cook, and this was the first time in her life that she could cook for others. This place should have been prepared in advance. Did Chi Nian have plans? Zhang Yuning thought she was very strange and had no idea what she was going to do next. If Chi Nian takes back the family property in the future, it will be a great good thing for the third lady. Should we inform the sponsor of this plan? Don't rush now, there are still three months to investigate the doubts in your mind. Zhang Yu walked to the kitchen thoughtfully.

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