Chapter II.

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   There has to be some kind of misunderstanding. This is unreal. How could that be? Atticus? Being an Assassin? None of this makes sense - Father got faulty information, that has to be it, right? Atticus wouldn't do that, he would never, the Revered? What issue would Atticus have with the Revered that would make him so inclined to murder the man? I know he's never been fond of the Church, he'd find an excuse to leave or blatantly skip any sessions my Mother would drag us to, but he wouldn't commit such a crime just for childhood grudges.

"As of this very moment, all further Events, Celebrations, as well as Markets will be suspended until Atticus Denari is captured and brought to the rightful and lawful justice of the Kingdom of Galianna. Furthermore, there will be a temporary curfew of 7:00 noon set in place. Our lovely town of Jalael will hereby be on lock down until the perpetrator is apprehended. That is all for Todays, and until further notice, all, speeches. Good day, Folks of Jalael. May safety bless you all." Father ends his speech, taking his turn to exit the stage - but No, I will not sit idly by as he slanders Atticus's name, he is not a killer. He is simply Atticus. My Father may have his reserves for him, but this all must be a farce.

"Father," I call out, he makes no signs of stopping his swift walk to the carriages, no signs of the incline to respond to my call out at all. "Father this must be wrong! You can't do this!" I speed up my walking as much as I possibly can in the white flowing dress I arrived in, "He would never -"

"Yet he did, Aria." He speaks, finally. "There have been numerous eye witnesses, which of whom I can personally vouch for. Your friend, is a cold blooded murderer. I expected no less from the son of that dreadful woman he called a Mother, what was her name again? Fera? she was just as much trouble for this Kingdom, with all her conspiracy's against my Throne." He's angry, I can tell that much. During his talking he's turned completely to face me, something he rarely does for me. His cheeks are red, not from the sun, but from what I can only assume is resentment. "Your Feral Dog, will be brought to justice - he will be executed in my court. Whether you adhere to it or not. You are no Princess, you are only partially Royalty, something that never would've conspired had your Mother had listened as she was supposed to. You forget your place in this castle. Just because I gave you a bed to rest that cursed head of yours does not mean you may tell me what I can and cannot do. I am your King. Do not forget that again."

I stare. There are no words I can conjure to defend this. I don't know what to say. For the first time, I am speechless.

"I understand, King Derik. I apologize for my tone, Your Majesty."

"Good. I assume if you had a way to find the location of that Beast of a man, you would tell me, correct? Seeing as withholding information on the whereabouts of a Wanted man would be no short of committing Treason."

The Willow. I need to get to it. I need to get to Him.

"... Of course, Your majesty."

There's a few unsteady beats of silence, before he simply nods and finishes his strides to his carriage. I need to get home, I need to figure out my way of getting to the Willow tonight. With the curfew set I will need to find a way around the Guards i'm sure will be patrolling. It's 43 minutes till 7:00 noon, I need to be quick, I need to talk to Atticus.

   Swiftly, I make my way home. I exit the Square, into the loose forest surrounding the castle and Jalael. 32 minutes. I pass through the Gardens at the front gates. 20 minutes. I rush my way through the halls, up the winding stairs closest to my bedroom doors, making note of every newly stationed Knight I see. By the time I reach my own doors and make it inside, locking it behind me, I have 12 minutes until this Kingdom is on total blackout and lockdown. No Markets mean no lights, No people to hang lanterns on the streets for late night buyers. The sun has already begun to set, I will need to find something to blend in. I open my wardrobe, banging the doors against the wall with how quick and forcefully I yanked them away. I grab the first black gown I see, its floor length and will be wonderful for disguising me in the night. Quickly exchanging gowns, I toss on a black cloak, the hood will be large enough to keep my face from being exposed if I do encounter a Knight, it will be easy to look away and escape.

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