Chapter seven: Echoes of Dread and Dancing with Death

Începe de la început

As Brain dashed ahead, navigating through the crowded bonfire party in a frenzied search for their friends, Ludachel's keen observation unveiled a quartet of ominous signs that spelled dire consequences.

Firstly, there was a glaring absence of soldiers who were assigned to patrol the city's outskirts. Not a single one was in sight, an unsettling void where vigilance was expected.

Secondly, a handful of soldiers mingling among the party-goers seemed to have surrendered their senses to intoxication. In such a state, their judgement was compromised, raising fears that a sudden panic could trigger a deadly, indiscriminate response.

Thirdly, an insurmountable barrier presented itself as the city gates were firmly locked down. This realisation hit Ludachel with the weight of its implications. Even if they succeeded in locating Jax and Rin amidst the chaos, their path to safety was effectively sealed.

Finally, the most horrifying observation of all was the escalating violence within the crowd. Individuals were being brutally attacked and torn apart in a frenzy, a stark indicator of the nightmare unfolding. The party, once a scene of merriment, was rapidly descending into a horrific tableau of desperation and fear, signalling that they were all ensnared in a situation with seemingly no escape.

In the midst of Ludachels panic, Brain urgently yelled out and pointed towards the figures making a dash for gate 11, Ludachel's focus shifted from the chaotic scene unfolding around them. The mass of people clamouring at gate 12 blurred into the background as Ludachel's attention zeroed in on the silhouette of Jax carrying Rin, their path set towards a hidden truck nestled in the shadows.

"Brain, they're heading to an abandoned truck! There might be a chance yet. Let's move!" Ludachel's voice carried a mix of urgency and determination as he seized Brain's sleeve, propelling him forward.

Together, they sprinted towards Jax and Rin, the cold night air whipping past them in a frenzied blur.

Mid-stride, a gut-wrenching sight halted Ludachel and Brain in their tracks. A Deathtem, its ghastly form outlined in the darkness, was in relentless pursuit of Jax and Rin. The horror of the moment crystallised in Ludachel and Brain's minds as they realised the impending danger closing in on their friends, who remained oblivious to the looming threat.

Ludachel's urgent shout pierced the chaos, his voice carrying a desperate plea, "JAXSON, WATCH OUT!!!"

In that heart-stopping moment when it seemed as though his warning would go unheeded, a wave of despair washed over Ludachel. Beneath his rugged exterior, a strange sense of attachment had formed towards Jax, a feeling that hinted at the potential for a bond that transcended mere acquaintanceship.

As both Ludachel and Brain raced towards them, their voices blending into a cacophony of screams, fate pivoted on Jax's swift reaction. Against the looming threat of the Deathtem, Jax's instincts kicked into overdrive. In a split-second decision that spoke volumes of his selflessness, he propelled Rin towards safety in the direction of the truck and bellowed, "Run!" before the Deathtem violently brought him crashing to the ground.

The abruptness of the scene unfolded like a tragedy, the tension palpable as Jax's act of sacrifice played out before Ludachel and Brain's eyes.

The world seemed to halt as Brian and Ludachel heard the sickening sound of bones crunching under the teeth of the Deathtem. Ludachel, torn from his stupor by Jax's final plea to any god to save him, underwent a profound transformation. Something ancient and potent stirred within him, a force that was both terrifying and awe-inspiring.

In a moment that chilled Brian to his core, Ludachel gripped his tear-streaked face and turned it away from the gruesome sight of his best friend being eaten. With eyes now as dark as the void of space, they shifted into swirling nebulas that seemed to hold the mysteries of the universe.

"I need you to run," Ludachel's voice rang out, devoid of human emotion yet commanding attention. "Run as if your life depends on it. Take Rin to safety. Do not let Jax's sacrifice be in vain. Get to the truck and do not look back."

Brian, shaken to his core, stumbled back, his eyes wide with fear. Tears streamed down his face, his glasses forgotten in the chaos. "I-uh, wha-"

"NOW, BRAIN," Ludachel's voice boomed, cutting through the chaos.

"Uh- how do we even know the truck will start? What about you?" Brian stammered in confusion.

"I have no time to explain. GO!" Ludachel's command brought no argument.

At that moment, Brian sprinted towards Rin, reaching her in a blur of motion. Sweeping her off the ground, he raced towards the truck, her sobs of apologies echoing in his ears.

Miraculously, the truck was unlocked. Brian shoved Rin into the passenger seat, then scrambled behind the wheel. With trembling hands, he turned the key, praying for the old engine to roar to life as Rin's cries filled the cabin.

Meanwhile, Ludachel, in a display of otherworldly power, drew the attention of all Deathtems within the area with a piercing whistle. As they converged on him, he unleashed a surge of azure mist that surrounded the creatures, freezing them in their tracks.

Moans and wails filled the air, a dreadful symphony of agony. As the mist receded, only piles of bones remained where the Deathtems once stood.

Brian, disbelief written on his face as he watched as Ludachel collapsed to the ground in the darkness of the night. "What the actual...?" he breathed, shaken to his core by the display of power he had just witnessed.

Authors note here ~~

(I'm sorry....

I had to... it's for the plot okay!

R.I.P Jaxson ————, I don't do last names☹️)

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