Chapter 1: We'll... Meet Again...

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Stan leaned against the cool brick of the building behind him, his cigarette tucked neatly between his fingers as he blew out a puff of smoke. The ash at the end glowed slightly orange in the dim light.

He had been out for a good two hours now, watching and walking and waiting.

The amount of waiting he typically endured was brain rotting.

He'd spent the day before work sleeping until noon and cuddling his cat. He'd put on a show and folded his laundry at around three and made lunch (a quite lovely bowl of cereal if he did say so himself!) and once he had gotten ready a few hours later, he hit the streets.

So far, he'd had three customers and he had about an hour and a half until he could go back to the club and finish his shift there.

Some days, he'd solely go looking for work on the streets. Some days, he'd work a full shift at the strip club. Other times, like today, he'd work a half shift on the street and a half shift on the poles. It was tiring, but Stan liked the change of pace.

Technically, he should be in the north part of town. He had a couple of  regulars in that area and they always tipped well.

But they were kind of...

Rough sometimes.

Stan could deal with it most days, but today, he wanted as little trouble as possible and just wanted to do his job.

Was that so much to ask?

Stan sighed, relishing in the cold autumn air. It was damn near freezing outside and he had nothing but shorts and a leather jacket to keep him from dying.

He shivered and folded the jacket across his body.

He really needed to talk to his boss about his clothing restrictions.

Stan stood there, watching off to the left as he saw headlights slowly rearing down the road, headed straight for him.

He wasn't able to see the driver, so he couldn't tell if it was someone who usually bought his services or not. He knew they were interested in though, when the car slowly rolled to a stop on the road right in front of him.

The window on the passenger side was rolled down so he bent over, moving to put his face into view of the driver.

"Hey there cutie," Stan said, despite not having seen the driver. Normally, he kept his flirtatious personality up throughout the whole ordeal, but he was honestly too cold to do that right now, instead jumping straight to the point. "Oral is fifty, anal is-"


Stan lowered his head fully into view of the window now, allowing him to see exactly who he was dealing with.

Holy shit...

"Kyle?!" Stan was shocked. What was Kyle doing here? He moved away a long time ago. Why was he back all of a sudden?

"Oh shit," Kyle muttered under his breath, smacking his hand over his mouth as if he'd wished he'd stayed silent.

"HAH," Stan laughed through his confusion. What the fuck?

He'd just caught his old best friend.

Trying to find a prostitute.

No, it didn't get much better than that.

"What are you doing here?" Stan laughed loudly. He felt kinda bad, considering the look on Kyle's face but he couldn't help it.

This was just too good.

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