Chapter six: Embers Ignite The Wheel of Fate

Start from the beginning

Rin, ever the spark in their trio, radiated impatience and frustration. Her hands moved with deft, practiced strokes through Brain's hair, her movements speaking louder than words. "Seriously, you two need to loosen up," she scolded, her voice cracking like a whip in the tense air. "We're supposed to be having fun tonight, not prepping for a siege."

Jax was the picture of conflicted irritation, his every muscle coiled tight, his expressions fluctuating between concern and vexation. His hand, pausing in the air as he reached for his keys, was a silent testament to the internal debate raging within him. He understood Rin's desire for recklessness, for a night untethered from worry, yet his instincts screamed caution.

"It's not about being high strung, Rin," he finally said, his voice steady but laced with an underlying edge. "It's about being prepared. If you think I'm going to let anything happen to us over some misguided need for one night of fun, you're mistaken." He laid out the plan, simple and non-negotiable: stay together, leave at the first sign of danger. "Let's go before I decide this is a bad idea altogether."

Rin's retort was a silent storm, her eyes flashing with a mix of anger and hurt. In her mind, a single night of freedom was not too much to ask. A night to forget the looming threats beyond the walls, to dance and laugh and live as if their world wasn't on the brink of chaos. Yet, she knew arguing would get her nowhere. With a sense of resignation and defiance vying for dominance in her chest, she followed Jax out, her steps heavy yet determined.

The night air greeted them with a chill, a reminder of the risks and thrills that lay ahead. The city's towering walls loomed large in the rearview mirror as they drove away, symbols of safety and confinement alike. Tonight, they ventured beyond these boundaries, chasing the allure of the unknown.

As the city's lights faded into the distance, a blanket of stars unveiled above them, it wasn't too long before they arrived at gate 12 and parked Jax's shitty car and walked out of the safety of the city's walls.

When they arrived at the party, the heat radiating from the trash pile of discarded scraps was intense. People lounged on old cars and makeshift chairs around the bonfire, while a soldier played music on his worn guitar.

"We're here. What next?" Brain asked nervously, surveying the scene with wide, anxious brown eyes behind his glasses.

Jax adjusted his red hair and leather jacket, unaware of Rin's judgmental gaze. "I guess we should introduce ourselves," he suggested.

Rin rolled her eyes at Jax's self-fixing. "Quit preening, Jax. You look pretty," she teased. "Let's find Link, the one who invited us. Oh, and I could do with some alcohol."

"Invited you," Jax corrected her smugly.
"What?" Rin shot back, clearly irritated.
"He invited you, and you invited us. Just setting the record straight," Jax replied, a hint of annoyance in his tone.

Rin stared at Jax in disbelief, clicking her tongue in disapproval. "Uh-huh, says the guy who invited an outsider who could possibly be a psycho," she retorted, enjoying his reaction.

"Uh, guys behind you," Brain interjected, trying to redirect their focus, but his words were ignored.

"Psycho? That's rich, coming from you, pipsqueak. And you needn't worry about the psycho; he already turned me down, remember?" Jax shot back, his temper flaring as he glared at Rin.

Rin laughed at Jax's outburst. "Aww, poor Jaxy. Maybe he could sniff out a hypocrite from a mile away," she taunted, matching his glare.

"GUYS!!!" Brain finally screamed, capturing their attention as they turned to look at him, irritated. "WHAT?!"

Nervously nibbling on his nails, Brain slowly raised his finger to point behind them. They turned to see Ludachel aka said psycho, standing there, causing them all to freeze in shock.

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