The Return - Chapter 9

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"Luke!" Robert fumed, but Izzy and Jace walked toward him and held him back from doing anything stupid in front of such high-level officers.

"That's for me to decide not you, agent Greymark." The agent said sternly, his intense gaze never leaving Jia and Luke making them lower their gaze. "And I apologize for all this, Mr. Lightwood." He turned towards Alec and raised his hand. "I'm Elijah Mikaelson. As an ex-FBI agent, you might understand that we can't help it. We have to search your house as per the procedure.

Don't worry, if there won't be anything of use, there won't be any further issues from our side. Please bear with us and I request you not to do anything against our department. We're just doing our job as per the orders we got. Mr. Bane, I really apologize for this." He shook hands with both of them, while Luke and Jia exchanged looks, their eyes holding fury and shock.

"Agent Mikaelson, you heard the recording-"

"Agent Penhallow," Elijah said in an authoritative tone. "You should know better that audio evidence doesn't have as much value as physical evidence. And seeing and sensing how close you both are to these people and the kind of anger you both are holding, tell me why shouldn't I suspect that you both might have tampered with the audio to fulfill some personal vengeance?"

"Agent Mikaelson, you can't blame us-"

"You both have shed light on this case, for that, thank you very much. But for the betterment of everyone, you both are going to stay away from it from now on. And if you both try anything, I have the authority to suspend you both, so I ask you to be within your limits and not mix family issues with our job." The agent said with absolution then turned towards them and for a fraction of a second, Alec felt that his husband and that agent had some kind of silent conversation. Who was that guy to Magnus, and why was he helping them? Because it was clearly evident to him that he was.

"Mr. Lightwood Banes, I really need to go through your whole house and I apologize for the trouble but be assured, we haven't found anything yet that can prove that the audio recording is legit. I take my excuse and I apologize again."

"It's alright, Agent Mikaelson," Alec said in a professional tone, "You can do your job."

Once all the cops dispersed in the different rooms of their farmhouse, he noticed how red Luke and Jia were from anger. "What the fuck is wrong with you, Luke?" He couldn't help but snap at his ex-boss.

"Are you seriously asking me that!?" Luke yelled. "I feel I don't even know you, kiddo!" Tears welled in his eyes, but he blinked it back.

"Have you two seriously lost your mind!?" Aline asked desperately. "I don't know what this recording means, what the hell even it is, but don't you think you both should have talked to them before accusing them like that over something you found!?"

"We didn't find it from somewhere, Allie, I recorded it," Jia said through gritted teeth. "The only problem is that it's not a video recording, otherwise you people wouldn't be doubting us."

"Mom... what had gotten into you?"

"Your higher officer said it could be tampered with, right?" Robert asked. "So you both need to stop painting our children as some psychopath criminals and focus on that impersonator's case. There's supposed to be a wedding in this house in a few days."

"I don't think that's happening anymore, Robert," Luke said coldly.

"That's not for you to decide, Luke," Clary said, making Luke turn towards her. "I will marry Jace, whether it's true or not."

"Kiddo! Have you gone crazy?"

"Luke, whatever this recording is about, it's not proven right. Why are you so changed all of a sudden? What happened in these hours? It's about our daughter's future. You can't just decide it for her." Jocelyn asked.

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