ch. 20

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As they reached Gracie's room, Bella hesitated for a moment, her gaze lingering on Gracie's face. Gracie felt a flutter of anticipation in her chest, a silence  passing between them

Bella: I'll wait here for you.

Gracie nodded, a smile playing on her lips as she unlocked her door and disappeared into her room. She quickly changed into more comfortable clothes, her mind buzzing with thoughts of Bella and the evening they had shared and were about to continue sharing, She spoke to Audrey briefly about how she would go up to bella's room.

Audrey: no funny business ok
Gracie: really?
Audrey: yeah you need to be able to walk on stage girl
Gracie: really audrey there's actually no way you just said that right now
Audrey: yes reallyyyy i'm so serious right now let's just say i heard some stories from lauren and sophia
Gracie: Audrey-!
Audrey: what? i'm so serious right now
Gracie: I know you are
Audrey: i just don't want you manager coming for you
Gracie: i know i know he's already up my ass for being g quote on quote distracted this whole week

Audrey: you lying
Gracie: nope i mean he just was making comments about it but it's whatever im not gonna stop living my personal life
Audrey: a thousand percent just be smart G
Gracie: I will thanks, love you Aud bye
Audrey: and.... in all honesty have fun you seem really really happy with her, and idk it just makes me happy as your bestfriend to see you like that
Gracie: awww audrey
Audrey: oh shew on before i start crying ugh your just growing up so fast
Gracie: hahaha oh my love you aud bye

When Gracie emerged from her room, Bella's eyes lit up at the sight of her. There was an unspoken understanding between them, a silent agreement to savor every moment they had together. Bella took Gracie's hand once again, the connection between them feeling stronger than ever. They walked back towards the elevator to go to Bella's penthouse, the anticipation building with each step.

As they entered Bella's home, the atmosphere seemed to shift, a sense of intimacy enveloping them. Bella pulled Gracie upstairs to her room as it seemed like sophia and lauren had already disappeared into their own bedrooms tied form their game and the evening out.  Gracie felt a surge of affection for Bella, a feeling so strong it took her breath away. In that moment, she knew that their connection was something special and Gracie entered the familiar room she had been in the night prior with bella this time with more nerves than the last.

Bella: gosh i'm actually exhaustedddd
Gracie: yeah you had a long day and game
Bella: yeah i'm going to shower get ready for bed you can wait here watch tv or something or if you want to shower after me feel free too
Gracie: yeah i don't mind waiting
Bella: make yourself comfortable please
Gracie: i'll try thankyou

gracie smiled and bella's convincing look on her face as she really did want gracie to feel comfortable in her space

Bella: i won't take long promise
Gracie: take your time it's ok i'll just go through your closet maybe take a hoodie or two
bella: haha ok that's fine by me

Bella immediately went to shower in her bathroom as the steamy water began to fill the bathroom. Gracie was left to herself on bella's bed watching tv and scrolling on her phone while she waited for her.
Gracie tried to distract herself with the TV, but her mind kept drifting back to Bella. She couldn't shake off the intensity of their connection, the way Bella's touch made her heart race.

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