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gracie and bella texted back and forth confirming the plan for lunch. bella would meet gracie after her 10am lecture at the hotel and gracie would be there after sounds check. gracie could not be anymore nervous and giddy she was ready to speed run her sound check although when taylor came out to check on her openers she could tell something was up, although not in a bad way. gracie saw taylor watching from the distance and she smiled before she wrapped up almost in a hurry, beabadoobee was up next for sound check and as gracie was packing up her stuff backstage taylor came up to her

taylor: hey gracie everything ok... you looked a little antsy up there girl
gracie: oh hi *hugs taylor* yeah everything is fine i promise
taylor: *raises eyebrow* are you sure-.... i don't know something is different about this right now... i can't put my finger on it so how about you just tell me
gracie: *sighs* i have a date right now well kinda a date well yeah it's a date
taylor: no way! that's makes so much sense im sorry for holding you up- oh my gosh go go don't be late because of me!
gracie: *giggles* i will tell you everything after the show!
taylor: yes i'll be waiting!

gracie left quickly leaving taylor standing there waving and she caught a taxi back to the hotel where she entered seeing bella sitting in the lobby. gracie started to walk up to her as bella looked up from her phone and immediately got up to say hi. there first real interaction and gracie looked.... perfect at least that's what bella would say. her hair was slightly messy but cute and her outfit was everything she just was so.... so perfect. bella couldn't help but look her up and down for a split second yet gracie definitely caught it and blushed as she got closer and smiled as she had noticed bella's outfit from the moment she saw her sitting, she was stylish had a aesthetic to her and was very city girl. bella went for a hug as she smiled innocently.

bella: hi nice to finally meet you
gracie: hi same to you! thankyou so much for that dinner last night
bella: oh yeah ofc

they hugged briefly as bella started walking towards the door to leave out the hotel gracie following.

bella: so how was your morning? and that "thing" you had to do? *giggles*

gracie could die her giggle was adorable to her

gracie: it was good yeah how was school
bella: good i had a morning practice this morning my coach kicked my ass with conditioning and i had one lecture today so it was pretty ok
gracie: practice for what? also im following you i have no idea where we are walking
bella: *giggles again smiling* all good i have this spot i want to take you to they have the best coffee and food, but yeah i play soccer
gracie; oh nice
bella: so what brings you to new york?
gracie; umm music actually
bella: music? intresting on tour or something?

they were both asking these questions like they didn't already stock eachother social medias

gracie: yeah something like that...yeah
bella: something like that?
gracie: sorry music is my career it's just a little awkward gloating about it im sorry
bella: nono it's all good, that's really cool
gracie: yeah
bella: do you love it?
gracie: yeah i really do
bella: that's really great... finding yk something you love and making it your job
gracie: yeah it's is, what about you?
bella: umm well i mean im technically unemployed but it's complicated i run alot of investments and stuff
gracie: so your good with numbers
bella: yeah you can say that
gracie: umm sorry your dad owns the hotel right?
bella: yeah yeah he does
gracie: that's kinda cool so did you like grow up in the hotel
bella: yeah basically my entire life
gracie: that good or bad
bella: it is both honestly but i love new york
gracie: new york has this appeal to it i don't know i went to upstate not long ago to work on my album, just so different
bella: yeah my grandparents live in upstate totally different than manhattan
gracie: definitely

As Long as I Got You Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon