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bella finished up both her last class of the day as she packed up her bag walking out of the lecture hall. bella walked along the halls with her many columbia classmates as many knew of her, heard of her , or were hitting on her. bella had this stride to her... she knew her worth, almost had a sense of pride in her walk that intimated many , but that's what made her so unique it's was how kind she really was. she was almost completely unaware of her social stature that intimidated people which made her so special. she had this gorgeous charm to her that her friends loved, she was loyal to those she loved and trusted. anyway bella was walking down the hallway on her way out the building receiving many stares she didn't notice she was receiving. when she got out the building she walked through campus and opened her phone and called her best friend Serena on her way to her chauffeur in the parking lot.


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serena: hello bella what is it... miss me already we just went on vacation together
bella: oh shut up you wish
serena: hahaha what's up B
bella: well i just finished up my classes and after practice i had this whole conversation with soph and lauren about ya know life...
serena: mhmm what about life
bella: specifically my dating life
serena: oooo dating.... bella bass dating? intresting ya know i thought you just had a sex life not a dating life
bella: funny.. real funny well i need your advice
serena: alright... let's hear it
bella: so basically i was leaving this morning on the way to practice ya know catching up with my front desk ladies... and this girl was like staring at me whatever i looked at at her and she was just gorgeous ya know anyways nothing happened just smiled and left... but i tell soph and lauren abt it... lauren finds out who she is
serena: what the hell how did she find out
bella: well i described her she was like with a band in the lobby so
serena: ooo singer...
bella: yeah turns out she actually is
serena: oh no way
bella: yup and she is opening for taylor swift
serena: oh shit- so she good good
bella: guess so
serena: so what are you gonna do?
bella: that's why i'm calling you idk what to do lauren found her instagram and all that and we are actually going to the concert tomorrow  so
serena: and she's staying at your hotel....
bella: yup
serena: interesting scenario you got there playboy
bella: tell me about it.... so what do i do s
serena: ummm idk bells maybe follow her like lauren said doesn't hurt plus you'll probably run into her at your dads hotel... so when you do run into her just make small talk
bella: guess your right
serena: yeah well let me know how it goes
bella: i will
serena: bye b gotta go
bella: bye


bella sighed turning off her phone as she got in the limo and headed to her place. on the car ride she hovered over gracie's profile until she finally pressed follow and shut off her phone. it's like she was in high school again except this time ... she was nervous. bella never got nervous so this was a new feeling for her.


gracie was with audrey back at the hotel unpacking as gracie's manager was with them in the room giving gracie her schedule and such for the week. her manager alex was rambling on about plans and about the stage outfits that gracie's stylist should be bringing in an hour to review with her. gracie was half paying attention when her phone buzzed in her back pocket and she pulled it out looking at the notification and she gasped as her eyes widened and she dropped her phone.

alex: what- what?!? what happened

audrey gave gracie a look as gracie pointed at her phone then at audrey, gracie picked it up again as she showed audrey who was laying on the bed and alex was just so confused. audrey read the screen as she gasped and threw her hand over her mouth then held grcaies shoulder

Alex: ok someone wanna tell me what happening should i panic ... not panic?
audrey: girl stuff alex it fine it's fine let us be dramatic
alex: oh... well common now i'm one of the gworlssss, what's the tea?

audrey scoffed as gracie giggled and they both looked at him

audrey: please dont ever say that again
alex: fine
gracie: sorry alex... top secret
alex: fine then well you got all that info right gracie
gracie: yes sir alex got it
alex: cool i'll leave you two.. to your top secret business now
gracie: thankyou....?
alex: your welcome

alex left the hotel room as gracie locked the door behind him and looked at audrey again waiting for and answer

audrey: that is crazy dude.... well follow her back
gracie: ok i will follow back in 2 minutes minutes... that's too creepy
audrey: good point... wait like 20 minutes
gracie: that's what i was thinking
audrey: wait- if she followed you that means..... she had to have either one.. known who you were already or two.... figured  out who you were
gracie: both mean she's thinking of me soo
audrey: you didn't even talk to her... calm down calm down your ego is too high right now
gracie: shut up
audrey: wait it's 3pm-
gracie: shes on her way back... god i sound like a stalker
audrey: all for love
gracie: yeah right ok so she's on her way back what do i do
audrey: let's got to the lobby! hopefully see her on our way out?
gracie: and where exactly are we going
audrey: let's just leave hopefully we time this right so we see her
gracie: ok ok.... oh my god i'm internally panicking audrey why am i so nervous.. ok let's go let's just go

audrey laughed at gracie as she was scrambling throwing on some shoes and then grabbed her purse as they left the hotel room. on their way down gracie was rambling to audrey about how the whole situation was crazy to begin with when the elevator opened to the lobby they walked out and their she was talking to the front desk ladies again. gracie stopped for a second as she looked at bella and then bella looked at her and she smiled. audrey pulled gracie out of it. bella laughed tho at the interaction as she followed gracie with her eyes, and gracie did the same. audrey and gracie left the building walking down the street

audrey: ok that was awkward... for me
gracie: whyyy
audrey: i felt like i was a background character to your romcom love life movie happening in real time... you guys like were talking with your eyes - ugh i love you but eww
gracie: it's not like your the one whose been helping me all morning
audrey: i know but still... since we're walking let's find coffee i need one
gracie: fine


gracie and audrey walked out the door when bell gave her attention back to the front desk ladies as they smiled at her.

front desk ladies: miss bella they asked about you this morning
bella: those girls?
front desk lady: yes
bella: oh... why?
front fesk lady :well the blonde one seemed to be interested in helping her friend.. the brunette one who seemed to find interest in you significantly more
bella: oh... ok umm let me know when they get back will you?
front desk lady: sure thing miss bella
bella: umm let them know room service on me tonight will you
front desk lady: of course
bella: thankyou

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