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gracie went through her songs and sometime through her first song she saw bella front row with her friends singing along
. gracie smiled widely while singing, simply from seeing bella's reaction watching.
Gracie wrapped up her set list as she had seen bella with her friends in the pit, and bella was constantly recording her. lots of people recorded but she saw her and when she realized she was recording, her heart immediately began to pound 10x times harder. when gracie was backstage getting unmicd and such taylor was passing by and they spoke for a minute.

taylor: amazing job girl
gracie: thank you.. that means a lot
taylor: ofc ofc
gracie: hey umm i hope it's not to much to ask but were you able to get the girl i went on a date with backstage and her friends like we talked about earlier!
taylor: yeah yeah i been got that done security knows gracie
Gracie: ugh yay thankyou so much

taylor ran off talking to some people and then gracie went to her green room to get some water refresh a bit before she went out to watch the show herself. her own manager came in with audrey.

audrey: great job as alwayssss
gracie: thankyou
manager: hey gracie, taylor's team said they're getting you those guest passes right now
gracie: ok thankyou

*manager leaves*

audrey: for who?
gracie: a friend...
audrey: hotel girl
gracie: yes audrey bella and her friends
audrey: moving kind of fast don't you think
gracie: bringing her backstage is not moving fast... just a nice gesture
audrey: whatever makes you feel better 
gracie: dude i'm not moving fast jesus audrey
audrey: i said nothing
gracie: actions speak louder than words

gracie gave audrey a smirk as she walked out the green room smiling, the long hallway full of green rooms and sound stuff was full of people working to get the show running smoothly, photographers everywhere gracie made her way through the chaos to taylor side stage where her intro to her show finally began. gracie loved watching taylor entrance meanwhile the fans reaction alone is priceless, while gracie waited along with the many fans in madison square garden someone from taylor's team handed gracie three extra backstage bages and she thanked the person while audrey was approaching gracie

Gracie: hey
audrey: hey let me know when you ready to head to the pit out front
gracie: right now is a good time
audrey: ok let me find your manager to get security for you

audrey walked off finding gracie's management team when the arena erupted, hence the entrance of taylor. gracie smiled as she watched before she turned around to go where gracie was waiting with some security guards. the security team escorted them through the halls of backstage out to the front of the stage. fans were screaming at gracie phones out and all. audrey and gracie linked arms walked through the business eventually making it the VIP pit area where gracie spotted bella. the people in vip gave gracie a double take as a security guard was guiding her in. gracie and audrey approached the bella nd her friends as they hadn't noticed because their back were to them. gracie tapped on bella's shoulder causing her to turn around.

bella: hi! oh my gosh you did amazing... and you sounded have such a gorgeous voice

gracie's stomach began to turn immediately as light blush arose on her cheeks as gracie hugged her.

gracie: thankyou
bella: of course, oh gracie this is sophia and lauren, lauren and sophia this is gracie and...
gracie: and audrey... this is audrey she's my bestfriend travels with me everywhere on tour

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