| dekusquad

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here's a cookie🍪 & enjoy the Chapter!❤


Two weeks.

It's been two weeks & Himiko had successfully adapted to her new environment.

She's gone into all the rooms of U.A & knew her way around the dormitories building, gotten used to waking up in the morning & got along with her classmates pretty well, excluding Mineta.

There's no need to provide an explanation for that; it was pretty clear why.

Himiko also got her dorm room! Insert round of applause!

Aizawa gave her the good news 2 days after the week they started working & showed her where it was located--it was on the 3rd floor, next door to Kyoka's room. Himiko moved into her dorm as soon as possible by transferring her clothes from Ochako's room to there & settling in.

The blonde didn't know why it took so long to insert her room into the girls' section, but she didn't care to ask; she was delighted that she got her dorm in the end.

Though she was happy she could store her belongings aswell as decorate however she wants, she was also sad that she couldn't be roomies with Ochako anymore. They shared fun moments together. She spent the next 2-3 says disappointed & downcast. Thankfully, her mood was lifted when Ochako suggested that they should design her hero costume, just like they'd planned on their first night as roomies.

Together, they spent the entire day sketching out ideas on a sheet of paper & gathering feedback from a few people in the dorms. It was a tiring process, but when they finally completed the design & presented it to the school for manufacturing the next day, it was all worth it!

As much as Himiko enjoyed her temporary life, being a student at U.A was hard & stressful, living up to it's reputation of being one of the most prestigious schools in Japan.

She had to complete work--which she might say, was a LOT--go through exercise routines she'd to create for herself, train with her classmates, & complete any given homework! It was honestly all too much for her to handle. She would be lying if she said she didn't question her classmates' choice of a career more than once.

Thank goodness Ochako was there to help her through it all, or else she would've gone mad. Academically mad anyways. She was already insane.

Bless her kind heart.

Ochako was a huge support for Himiko, even more so than Toru was. Why? Because Toru hadn't been there for her in the past week, preferring to hang out with Ojiro instead.

Himiko didn't know why, but this made her feel. . .replaced. She wasn't suppose to feel those kind of emotions, let alone care about anyone here. But here she was, feeling hurt that her friend ditched her, not once, not twice, but several times.

To get back at her so called bestie, Himiko avoided her to go hang out with Ochako the following week.

In doing this, the blonde soon found herself becoming a member in the brunette's friend-group since she was around them 24/7.

'Dekusquad' is what they dubbed themselves.

Whenever Ochako went to them, with Himiko by her side, the group always greeted her aswell as include her in their conversations & jokes. They even went as far as throwing a small party in Ochako's dorm to officially welcome her as a member.

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