| new seating arrangement

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"Rise and shine everyone! Time to start the day! You've 30 minutes to get ready for your first day back at school!"

Ochako groaned when hearing a voice yell down the hall.


So early in the morning. . . She thought. Wait, how early is it?

Peeling her eyes open, Ochako turned her head to check the time. It was 06:39a.m, according to her pink digital clock. Not wanting to get up just yet, Ochako threw her pillow over her face with a soft groan.

Winter break had officially ended & it was, to everyone's dismay, time to go back to school, or as some would call it "hell". Everyone spent a good hour complaining about having to go back last night over dinner. Specifically, Kaminari, Mina & pretty much the entire Bakusqaud were the ones complaining. The Dekusquad & the rest of the class on the other hand didn't have a problem going back to school. They knew they were going to go back eventually.

Kaminari complained about the amount of work they were bound to be given as soon as they step foot in class, Mina complained about her mental health not being ready to return, Sero & Kirishima complained about the intense training they might have & finally, Bakugo complained about having to deal with everyone's shit when he gets there.

5 minutes of laying in bed, mulling over the idea of getting up or not, Ochako finally made her decision & got out of the comfort of her bed. What was the point in staying in bed when Iida was going to yell at the ones that didn't follow his orders to get ready anyway.

It was 07:14a.m by the time Ochako finished getting ready for school. Swinging her backpack over her shoulders, Ochako left her dorm room & made her way to the elevator. When she was inside the small room, the brunette was about to press the button to take her to the bottom floor, when someone screamed "WAIT!" stopping her finger mid-air.

Within a few seconds, Kirishima burst in. It seemed like he ran, because as soon as he was inside the elevator, he bent over to catch his breath.

"You just woke up, didn't you?" Ochako assumed with a chuckle & the redhead replied with a "Yeah", his voice strained from running.

Finally pressing the button, the elevator doors closed & the two inside were on their way to the bottom floor. During their elevator ride, if you could call it that, Kirishima started a small conversation with Ochako once he regained his breath, asking her why she wasn't bothered by the idea of going back to school, who happily replied to his question.

After two minutes or so, the elevator doors opened with it's classic 'ding' & when the two stepped out of the elevator, they saw that half the class was already there. After waving goodbye to each other, the two went their separate ways-Kirishima went to join the Bakusqaud in the common room & Ochako went to join the girls ( except for Mina, she was with the Bakusquad ) who were chatting in the kitchen.

Plopping down on the stool next to the one Tsu was sitting on, Ochako greeted the four girls, who greeted her back.


When everyone walked into class, everyone chatting amongst themselves, their chatters coming to a halt when they saw the inside of class 2-A.

Instead of the rows of desks everyone was used to seeing when entering the class, there were seven circular tables scattered around the room, three chairs surrounding each.

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