Chapter 50- Belle's POV

Start from the beginning

Leo jumped away from my father and Gavin, his eyes wide and filled with fear but also worry. His mouth was agape, and he stared at me as if hadn't expected me so soon.

"Belle, no," my father gasped out, putting a hand across his throat. His eyes were wide and filled with fear while he stared at me. "R-

Gavin kicked my father hard in the side, interrupting him and earning a groan of pain. "Shut it, Old Man," he sneered, and my hand twitched, but I did not release the arrow just yet.

He turned his gaze to me and sneered, pulling the arrow out of his hand. "Awww, Belle," he said and bowed, mockingly. "How are you, my Love?" He sneered when he called me his love and ignored his bleeding hand.

"I am not your love, Gavin," I said and nudged my horse closer to them, aware of the wolves that were gathered around us after the first arrow I had shot at their Alpha. "I was never your love, was I?"

Gavin smirked and clapped his hands, ignoring the blood that continued to pour from his open wound. "Well done," he said, mockingly. "How long did it take you to figure out that?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question.

"Probably when you tried to kill me that last time," I replied coldly, not looking at my father, "when you shifted into your wolf form and brought me into this world without my consent."

"Hmph." He smirked and narrowed his eyes further, his eyes flashing to that of his wolf. "You should have stayed dead, Annabelle," he sneered, pursing his lips in annoyance and disgust. "It would have made my life so much easier than it is now."

I pressed my lips into a thinner line and ignored the fear that wanted to settle into the pit of my stomach. "I will not tell you this again, Gavin, move away from my father or else I will shoot you again."

Gavin snickered and shook his head. "Oh, no, you won't," he sneered.

Before I or my father could react, Gavin grabbed my father by the scruff of his neck and pulled him into a standing position with his whole body behind him, basically using my father as a human shield.

"Papa!" I exclaimed horrified when Gavin placed the end of the arrow at my father's throat and pushed hard but not hard enough to draw blood yet, and my father flinched but didn't say a word.

"Drop your weapon and get off your horse," Gavin sneered. He glanced at Amara when she lifted her head and snorted, pinning her ears back, breathing heavily and pawing at the ground with her ears pinned to the back of her head. "And call off your stupid horse." He looked at me again, sneering.

"No, don't," Papa said, choking. "Run, Belle. Run!"

"Shut up, Old Man," Gavin snapped and pushed the arrow closer to his skin. He looked at me. "Well?" he asked and raised an eyebrow in question. "What is it going to be, Annabelle?"

I pressed my lips into a thin line before I relented and did what he told me to do, praying that I wasn't making a huge mistake and that I would be able to survive whatever Gavun threw my way so that I could go back to my mate.

I threw my bow and arrow to the side but didn't touch the quiver because I knew that he wouldn't like it before I got off of Riser. "Amara, hush," I said and made a slashing motion with my hand, looking at her from the corner of my eye. "stop. It's going to be ok."

Gavin snorted and shook his head. "No, no it won't," he said. "It will never be ok, Annanelle." He put less pressure on my father's neck as if he knew that I would do whatever it was he wanted.

Amara snorted one last time before she shook her head and pawed the ground. She stayed where she was, and I knew that she was trusting me to make sure that we stayed safe, even though all she wanted to do was attack.

Gavin gestured to Leo with his head. "Go to him with your hands up, Annabelle," he sneered. "Do not touch anything. Is that understood?" He put more pressure on my father's throat again while he scowled and narrowed his eyes.

"Yes," I said, my voice barely above a whisper and I nodded. "I understand."

"Good, now, go do what I told you to do."

I didn't say a word and walked over to Leo with my hands up in surrender, and my horse started to follow me.

"Tell your stupid horse to go to your other stupid horse."

"Riser, go to Amara," I said, not looking at him but keeping my gaze on my father and Gavin. "I will be fine. I promise."

Riser snorted and shook his head but did what I told him to do when I gave him a sharp look before I turned my gaze back to Gavin and my father.

Gavin watched him go over to Anara and sneered before he turned to look at me again. "Good, girl," he praised. "It looks like my teachings have been kept intact."

Only because you have an arrow to my father's throat, I wanted to say but didn't, making sure that my face was blank. If not, then I would take my gun and shoot you in the dick and then in the head to kill you.

Leo grabbed me roughly when I made it to him. He didn't say a word before he looked at Gavin, waiting for whatever instructions to be given to him, now that I was under his care.

"Take off her weapons," Gavin said. "Make sure to feel any place that she could use to hide them." He paused and sneered. "Make sure to use your palm and not the back of your hand. Is that understood?"

Leo bit back a small gulp but did what he was told to do, nodding. He twisted me around until I was facing him, my back to my father and Gavin.

He took the quiver off of my back by unbuckling the strap and letting it fall to the ground before he started his search, keeping his eyes on me and only me.

Silently, he told me that he was sorry and that he didn't want to do this, but he had orders to follow; they all did.

I offered him a tight smile and subtly nodded without moving my head too much for the other Werewolf to see, silently telling him that I understood and forgave him, much to his relief.

Leo touched a boob before he swiftly moved his hand to the other side, his cheeks growing red from embarrassment.

"No, no, no," Gavin said when Leo moved his hand to another part of my body and away from my boobs. "Touch her boobs better, Leonardo. That did not work at all."


"Do it," I hissed, interrupting him, my voice quivering from "fear" and nervousness for myself and my father. "Please. Don't fight him, Leo." I licked my lips and hesitated. "It's not worth it."

"Good, girl," Gavin said, gleefully. "That is more like it. Do what you were told to do, Leo. I am sure that she would enjoy it like the slut that she is."

Leo bit back a small sigh and nodded, relenting. He touched my boobs, his hands shaking before he continued to feel around to make sure that I didn't have any weapons on me besides what he could see.

He got to the gun and dagger and took them out of its resting spot before he tossed them to the side, leaving the belt with the sheath and holster behind for now.

"Awwww, look at you being more prepared than usual, Annabelle," Gavin cooed, seeing the gun. He looked at my father and sneered. "Did you actually teach her how to shoot, Hunter?" he asked and roughly shoved the arrow closer to his throat, this time drawing blood.

"I do n-"

"Papa, I know," I said, interrupting him. I didn't look at him, keeping my gaze on Leo while he pulled the belt off and tossed that to the side and next to the gun and dagger. "I know what we are and what they are, too."

My father sighed, and I am sure that he relented. "I'm sorry, Belle," he said, his voice barely above a whisper. "I-"

"I know," I said, interrupting him again. "I know, Papa." I licked my lips and cleared my throat when my throat closed while a sob wanted to break free. "I forgive you, Papa. I will always forgive you."

I promise...

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