Chapter 1 Axe Brought Plunge

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Then I blinked and the fat woman’s arm was scale free, but looked hazy. 

“Ugh, stupid pills aren’t doing their job again…” I muttered frustrated, that the pills once again aren’t working.

It’s stupid that I am forced to take them yet they barely even work, what’s even the point if I still see weird shit like scaled arms? But no Mother Viktoriya insists I take them even though she says she believes me when I tell her they barely work. It’s just pills that only I can tell if they work or not, what does my opinion on them matter?

Annoyed, I put my headphones in my ears because the chihuahua that the arm scaled lady was holding was about to start barking. I know for sure the pills aren’t working because I am seeing the hellion mutt with a snake of a tail and an extra head that's a goat. 

Whatever, it’s not like I haven’t seen weirder. 

Coincidence is a weird thing because Welcome to Wonderland by Anson Sebra started playing in my ears. Alice In Wonder was a good book.

Slowly I wandered along with the group. No one that’s special really. A family with a son that seemed surprisingly interested. A blonde girl that was going on about something while staring at a picture from the Arch’s construction. Two girls behind the first, one with raven black hair and sea green eyes and another with oak like brown hair and a rasta cap with two walking canes, both were eating jelly beans. There was also the fat lady being affected by my schizophrenia along with her chihuahua… with a goat head and snake of a tail.

Why do chihuahua’s always look weird? Why do people like the little shits? 

Making a choice I walked up to the blonde, surprisingly she had gray eyes. Eyes that reminded me of steel, well they were more akin to a brewing tempest. Taking one earbud out I started listening to her since her two friends behind her didn’t seem interested. 

She was going on about the Arch and what she would have done differently. She seemed to like referencing greek stuff, including greek themes for specific parts.

“Well I guess marble columns would work for the lower parts, but you would need to keep the theme all around or else it just looks weird.” I said as she finally stopped speaking.

She didn’t seem to know I was there because she jolted a little and quickly turned to me. “Well…” She said as her eyes seemed to treat me like a book or problem to solve. “They don't have to be marble.”

“Depending on the type of column a specific theme would come with it.” I shrugged. “While I admire wanting to break stereotypes, people are stubborn and will consistently try to reason why you would need to stick to classical architecture forms.”

“True.” She nodded as she turned back to the picture of the arch. It was on the top of the arch, below it was a plaque describing it’s design, glass windows at each side though in my opinion they were rather small and the top was just a narrow walkway.

“Could do for bigger windows, or glass flooring.” I commented.

“I know, right?” The blonde girl agreed rather quickly with me. “The main attraction here is the view so they could at least make the viewing better.”

“Remodeling it would be a great opportunity for them to push advertisements for it, get more people coming and going.” I mused as we continued on to the elevator to go to the top.

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