"You do this everyday," He looked around and noticed the glances, "Can we fucking go now."

She nodded awkwardly and he walked off in front of her. For a second she wondered if she should just go off by herself but quickly decided against it.

They took a seat at the loud table and Mason involved himself into the conversation whilst Elaine sat there comfortably in between his thigh as his arms were stroking her long dark brown her.

It was still fairly early in morning and she wondered how they could be so energetic already. "Lainey didn't even say hi to us" Cameron smirked as the rest of the group halted their conversation and stared at her.

She rolled her bright big blue eyes, "...Hi."

"You know what, everyday i question if you really even love us." Another one of the boys - Lucas feigned a sad look and held his hand on his heart. Lainey giggled.

In total there were five guys including Mason. Andrew, Ian, Cameron and Lucas. Mason had been friends with them for years and they all treated Elaine as a younger sister even though she was the same age as them.

"What do you think." She spoke softly, her voice was quiet and barely above a whisper. They all chuckled and Ian who was next to her softly bumped her, making her whack him.

They turned back into their conversation and left Lainey to her own world.

The boys being just conventionally attractive and upper middle class. Attracted a gaggle of girls by their side everyday. Elaine didn't mind the girls, there were only three but Riley just got on her nerves.

Avery and Riley were the typical boy-crazy girls , Riley took any chance she could to ignore Lainey and Avery loved to diss her.

Mia however was the only one she could stand, she just followed her friends around. She didn't really have a backbone.

Her train of thoughts must've subconsciously attracted them.

"Hey boys" Riley's voice called out as she walked up behind Cameron and kissed him on the cheek.

The other girls - Mia and Avery went to their chosen partners.

Elaine was 95% sure that they had had an entire conversation dedicated to who would get which friend.

Riley somehow got Cam, Avery got Lucas and Mia got Andrew. The only boy that actually even liked his girl was Andrew, he was smitten for Mia. The other boys however lead on the girls and only used them for their bodies.

If Lainey was a better person maybe she would have said something but in all fairness, she didn't care.

Mia waved at her, "Hi El," In response Elaine just smiled at her.

"Hi Lainey!"

"Oh, I didn't even notice you were here." Riley scoffed, "Hi Elaine."

Lainey ignored her and snuggled back further into Mason. "Guys you wouldn't believe what just happened to us." Avery crossed her arms and settled into a seat.

"What happened," Ian responded clearly uninterested.

"So there's this-"

Riley interrupted her, "Let me tell the story."


"There's this new girl, she's a total freak show. So us being us, we came up to her and gave her a welcome but the girl totally ignored us and walked off." Riley blabbed. "Can you believe her? I cant name one person that would want to ignore a pretty and nice girl talking to them."

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