Chapter 16: Burning Up

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With a gasp, Yvette shot up. Her heart was beating so fast it almost hurt. She opened her eyes and closed them back repeatedly, making sure she was not still in the forest, letting out a sigh of relief when she remained in her bed.

She rubbed her shaking, sweaty hands on the duvet and got up, realising it must have all been a dream.

It must have been another nightmare, Yvette thought. The turmoil; the uncertainty; the terror, they were all in her head.

Although she knew that, the remnants of the nightmare lingered, a haunting reminder of her innermost fears.

Her breaths came in ragged gasps, her body trembling with residual fear. What was happening to her? Why were these nightmares becoming increasingly vivid and terrifying?

Driven by an urgent need for reassurance, Yvette pushed herself out of bed and raced down the hallway to Damon's room.

Her hands were still shaking and her legs were barely holding up her feet, knees about to give out.

Without bothering to knock, she kicked open the door, startling Damon awake from his slumber.

"Yvette?" Damon's voice was laced with concern as he took in her disheveled appearance and trembling form. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"

Yvette shook her head frantically, unable to articulate the turmoil raging within her. The nightmares had never been this intense, this consuming. The witches were closing in on her, their pernicious presence looming ever closer with each passing night.

"Damon, I have to leave," Yvette blurted out between shallow breaths, her voice tinged with desperation.

"What? Why?" Damon's confusion was palpable as he reached out to steady her trembling form, noticing it was significantly above her normal cold temperature.

"It's not safe for me to stay here," Yvette insisted, her voice trembling with urgency. "The witches... they're coming for me. I can feel it."

Damon's brow furrowed in concern, but before he could press her for more information, Yvette's panicked demeanor turned into determination.

"I have to go," she declared, her voice resolute. "I can't risk putting you in danger."

Damon watched her with a mixture of concern and frustration, knowing there was more to her distress than she was letting on.

"Are you ok? One thought at a time, psycho," he told her. "What's going on?"

When she recoiled from his touch, he realized that she wasn't going to talk about it yet.

"Fine," Damon sighed with an eye roll, masking his frustration with forced calmness. "But you're in no condition to leave right now. You need to calm down." Damon grabbed her arm, but then he jerked away instinctively, recoiling from the heat.

Yvette's heartbeat quickened again, panic about to rise in her. "What's wrong?" She asked with a frown

"You're burning up, it's almost as harsh as the sun without my daylight ring."

"Oh no..." Yvette muttered to herself, remembering the last time this happened.

Damon noticed the panic in her words. "When did you get so panicky?" He teasingly asked, slightly amused "Calm down. Okay psycho?" He told her softly, still shying away from touching her.

Yvette nodded, her breaths gradually steadying as Damon guided her towards his bathroom. "Use my bathtub," he instructed, his tone gentle yet assertive. "I'll get some ice."


As Yvette submerged herself in the cool water, she felt a momentary reprieve from the suffocating grip of fear that had consumed her. Damon returned with armfuls of ice, replenishing the tub with each refill as he watched over her vigilantly.

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