Chapter 3: "French?"

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Elena's eyes widened. "Bonnie, it wasn't his fault!"

Amelie let out a huff, not understanding how Elena could defend the man who'd tried to kill her brother. Who had killed her brother? Maybe it was because of Stefan? She wondered. The truth remained, however, if Damon tried to kill her sister, he'd be dead, Stefan be damned. And she did love Stefan, he was one of her dearest friends.

"Everything," Bonnie began numbly, "that happens is his fault, Elena." She finished, pained.

Bonnie used her magic to make the fire spread faster.

Elena panicked. "Bonnie, what are you doing?" Elena yelled out desperately.

The fire moved towards Damon faster, and he started to burn.

"Bonnie, stop it!"

Yvette's eyes widened. "Wait, Bonnie! You're going to kill him!"

Bonnie seemed to hear her as the fire paused for a moment but it was just a moment and soon Damon was burning again.

Amelie looked helpless. How could she save him without exposing herself to the outsiders?

"Bonnie! You're killing him!" Elena shouted. "Bonnie!"

Yvette muttered something in French and Bonnie's vision seemed to whiten—she couldn't see anything but white and she lost concentration, enough for the fire to have stopped when Elena rushed over and shook her shoulders.

"Why!" Bonnie yelled, near tears again. "Why did you stop me?!"

"Because this isn't us, Bonnie," Elena told her. "This can't be us," she said, looking at Damon.

Bonnie's face softened and Yvette took the moment to calm her down. "Bonnie, you should go. I'll follow you." She gave her what she hoped was an assuring smile and Bonnie nodded, looking at the scene once more.

Amelie had audibly sighed when this happened. "I'm going to follow them," she told Elena with a small smile. "I hope Caroline does better."

Elena gave her a small smile in return, leaving the area.

It was only Amelie and Damon left. Damon had finally healed the burns and stood up.

"Stupid witch."

Amelie glared at him. "Stop offending powerful people."

"You of all people should know that I'm not going to listen to that."

"You just like vexing me," Amelie stated. After decades of knowing him, it seemed to be factual.

"Don't act like you don't love it." Damon smirked.

"Ah yes, Damon," Amelie started with a roll of eyes. "I want you to take me right here."

Damon gave her a sly grin. "Gladly."

"Yeah, in your dreams," Amelie told him before making a move to leave. She paused, turning her head to look at him. "At least try not to."

"No promises."

"I really do hope to find you dead in a ditch one day, killed by someone you've angered," Amelie told him calmly, "but I know you still won't admit I was right even in your grave." She left then, not bothering to hear his reply.


Yvette and Amelie found themselves in Bonnie's house. Bonnie wasn't sure why she was letting two vampires into her home, but she didn't feel particularly bothered by them.

Even after the fact that Caroline was now a vampire, and it made her never want to see one again.

Bonnie walked into her house, forgetting to invite the two in. She turned around, ready to apologise and say come in when she saw the two were inside already.

Her eyes widened. Yvette and Amelie realised what they'd just done, and their also eyes widened.


Bonnie thought she'd feel wary and deceived, she knew she'd be justified, but all she felt was curiosity and pride that her inkling was right.

"What are you?" She asked, trying to sound serious and not smile at the two.

The two fell silent.

Bonnie looked at them, studying their expressions. Hesitance was what she saw. "I won't tell anyone," she promised, "I swear!"

Maybe she'd forget her issues by learning about these two.

"She's a Bennett witch," Amelie told her sister.

Yvette liked the girl, but this required trust. She did not freely give trust. Not to anybody. "That does not mean—"

"Spectramorphs," Amelie interrupted her sister by telling Bonnie the truth, "there has to be something about us in old Bennett grimoires. Our kind have worked specially with select witches."

Yvette sighed, bringing her hand to her head. Amelie had been acting more impulsive than usual since they arrived in Mystic Falls.

"Bennetts being one of the few that remain alive," she spoke. Amelie had already started, so it wouldn't hurt to tell the young witch a few things.

Bonnie looked deep in thought before she finally spoke. "What the hell are spectramorphs?"

"I'd give you a book but it's in French," Amelie joked but was completely serious. The book really was in French.

She remembered when her father first gave it to them. The man was the complicated sort, quite conflicted. He hadn't made all the best decisions, but he loved them in his own peculiar way, and she loved him too.

"French?" Bonnie asked.

"Do you speak French or do you plan on learning it any time soon?" Yvette asked, only half serious.

"I don't know French but—"

"It's not in modern French, a lot of things don't mean the same," Amelie told Bonnie. "You can't translate it online," she summarised at the same time Bonnie said the same thing, 'I can't translate it online.'

"Well, that is rather unfortunate," Yvette spoke, feeling uncomfortable, having shared too much too quickly.

"What would I find if I search the name up?" Bonnie asked.

"Nothing," Amelie told Bonnie. "Absolutely nothing."

"We're a..." Yvette paused to glare at Amelie, "rather well kept secret."

Amelie scratched her head, uncomfortable with her sister's glare.

"I won't tell anyone," Bonnie promised, nodding her head. "How do you get people to believe you're vampires?"

"It's a power of ours," Amelie said mysteriously.

"What kind of pow-"

"I think that's enough for now," Yvette told Bonnie. "We ought to see if we can trust you first, no?"

Bonnie felt insulted and offended that Yvette thought she'd lie to them, but then again, she hardly knew her. Bonnie clenched her fists and sighed. "Ok."

Yvette smiled. "Splendid, we'll come visit you soon." She left the house.

"I'm sorry about Caroline," Amelie said as she left Bonnie's house.

Bonnie didn't know what to make of today, on the one hand, her friend had become a vampire and on the other hand, she just learnt something about her history. Something that sounded very exciting.

She sighed, dropping to the sofa, not bothering to go upstairs to her room. She felt too tired.

Thought the chapters were getting too long so I'm trying this new thing where I break it into two parts. Do y'all prefer the shorter or longer chapters? Update 2 coming in like 10 minutes or so!!!

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