Chapter 15: "Dinner"

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Yvette's lungs burned as she came to an abrupt halt, the unsettling sensation of vampire speed leaving her bilious. Suppressing the urge to retch, she addressed Niklaus with a scowl. "You know how much I despise being whisked around like this."

Niklaus replied with feigned innocence, a smirk playing on his lips. "Did I forget to take your delicate physique into account?"

Yvette's glare deepened. "We have conflicting interests, Niklaus. You want the doppelganger dead, and I need her alive. We must resolve this."

"You sound rather tense, love," Niklaus remarked with a smirk. "We find ourselves in your favorite city, let's have dinner."

Yvette finally surveyed their surroundings and recognized the architecture; they were in Lyon, where their paths first crossed. "Nik—"

"Yes, Yvette?" His attempt to suppress a grin failing miserably.

Yvette rolled her eyes. "Wipe that smug grin off your face, Niklaus!"

"Care for dinner?" Niklaus inquired innocently.

"Dinner?" Yvette asked rhetorically. "You are not going to charm me, Niklaus."

Niklaus shook his head, pretending confusion. "Charm you?"

"I'm trying to find a solution to our dilemma."

Klaus nodded in agreement. "Then let's discuss over dinner."

"You sly bastard," Yvette muttered with a glare.

Reluctantly, she accepted his outstretched hand and followed him as he led her into the car. 


As they arrived at a small bistro, Yvette preemptively exited the car, determined to fend off any gentlemanly gestures from Niklaus.

Inside, the aroma of spices and meats enveloped her, triggering memories of home. She knew Niklaus was attempting to invoke nostalgia, but she remained firm.

"Interesting choice of venue, Niklaus," she remarked dryly.

Ignoring his frustrated huff, Yvette smirked to herself, relishing her control.

Klaus led her to their table, and Yvette noted the absence of other patrons. "Did you compel everyone?" She queried.

"I did indeed," Klaus confirmed, a smirk playing on his lips.

Yvette's tone dripped with sarcasm. "The enduring art of compulsion. How original, Nik."

He let out a frustrated breath, but smiled tightly and signaled for a waiter.

"Bonsoir, que souhaitez-vous?" the waiter asked. (Good evening, what would you like?)

"Je voudrais du pain à l'ail avec ton meilleur vin rouge et le sandwich spécial, merci," Yvette ordered after examining the menu. (I would like garlic bread with your best red wine and the special sandwich, thank you)

"Non, je vous remercie, Madame," the waiter replied. (No, thank you, Mrs.)

"Mademoiselle," she corrected with a smirk, knowing it would irk Klaus. (Miss)

Klaus gritted his teeth. "No, I don't want anything," he replied curtly when the waiter turned to him.

Yvette turned back to the waiter, continuing in French, her tone playful. "Tu veux mon numéro?" (Do you want my number?)

Klaus abruptly stood up and compelled the waiter to leave. "Leave."

"Why would you do THAT? He was hot," Yvette protested, with a false innocent smile.

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