011 ┊❛ in touch ❜

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real life

CHRIS watches as the double doors swing shut behind jackie. the doors are glass, so he can still see her as she walks out into the darkness of the parking lot. everything in his body is screaming at him to follow her. but he doesn't.

he lets her leave despite the overwhelming feeling in his gut thats pulls him toward her, much like a tether.

chris stares after her, watching as her silhouette eventually gets too far away for him to see her any longer. it's well past midnight, but he's never felt more awake in his life. his friends don't seem to entertain the same amount of energy. jace is fast asleep in his chair, head leaning against nick's shoulder. speaking of which, nick seems too tired to care as he's fighting exhaustion himself. matt mimics nick's fatigue as he watches chris with worry.

brynn, on the other hand, doesn't look tired at all. apparently, all the excitement managed to sober her up quite well. she's currently staring at chris with an unreadable expression. he ignores her as he sits a few seats down from her.

he had been sitting the entire time he was in the holding cell with poppy. and yet, the feeling of taking the weight off his feet is insanely refreshing. he tips his head back with a sigh, shutting his eyes. but before he can begin to wallow in his own misery for too long, brynn speaks up.

"why'd you let her leave?" she asks.

chris wants to get mad at her for her ignorance. but she sounds genuinely confused, simply seeking an answer rather than an argument. which is a bit uncharacteristic of her. "hm?" is as he manages to respond with as he opens his eyes to face her.

"it's true that i don't exactly understand the situation," she admits, choosing her words carefully, "but i understand enough to know that you should be going after her. it seems like you'll be taking a step backward if you were to let her leave like this."

matt places his hand on her shoulder, wordlessly telling her to shut up and stay out of it. she turns to look at him, looking a bit annoyed. but when he stands his ground and shakes his head in disapproval, she decides to take his word for it and stop talking.

chris feels a pang of guilt in his chest. he doesn't want his problems with jackie to become a topic that everyone dances around. i mean, it happened over a year ago. he should be over it. right?

sure, he feels like a million pounds of weight are pushed onto his shoulders whenever he thinks of her. and yes, he wants nothing more than to chase after her in the darkness of the parking lot and confess everything. and of course, he wants it all to go back to how it was.

𝑭𝑰𝑿 𝒀𝑶𝑼 - 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now