004┊❛ waves ❜

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real life 

"NO, i'd prefer not to have rats crawling up my ass while i'm trying to sleep." nick exclaims, disagreeing with everyone else for the hundredth time. they're currently looking for hotels to stay at, because nobody is happy with their sleeping conditions in the bus. especially brynn, who wakes up in a sour mood every morning because of how much matt moves in his sleep. and her bad mood causes everyone else to follow suit. so, nick thought it would be a good idea to find a hotel tonight to avoid being bitchy during their show tomorrow morning.

although nick was the one to come up with the idea, he's also the most picky when it comes to choosing a hotel. considering how long they've been searching, you'd think someone would just give in and pick one by now. but nick continues making very vivid comments that send jace into a fit of laughter every time. he's currently hunched over, clutching his stomach as he cackles at nick's rat description.

chris doesn't find it nearly as amusing as jace does. he's getting sick of being in the stuffy bus, and just wants to find a fucking hotel.

while everyone else remains crowded around matt's laptop, looking at his random google search for the closest hotels, chris decides to do his ow searching. instead of looking at what's closest, he decides to look at what's top rated. this way, nick caner complain if they all have over four stars. after a bit of scrolling through his phone, chris eventually finds a place that's not too expensive and only a few miles away.

he turns his phone to show everyone his decision. brynn nods, claiming anything is better than the bus. matt agrees with everything brynn says. jace doesn't answer, seeing as he's still recovering from nick's latest comment — which chris didn't hear. but then nick snatches his phone out of chris's hand. chris wants to complain, but decides to keep his mouth shut when he sees that nick is nodding enthusiastically at the hotel.

"see, this is good." nick says, flashing the phone at everyone as if they didn't just see it as well. "i feel like i can sleep in these beds without worrying about getting head lice. whatever matt was showing was literally the equivalent to booking a room in a dumpster."

personally, chris didn't think this comment was all that funny. but jace must not have thought the same because this sends him into another wave of laughter. he holds onto matt's shoulder for support, but he shakes him off as he shuts his laptop. matt stands up from where he'd been sitting on the couch.

"where are we leaving the bus?" matt asks, turning to chris as though he knew anything about driving a vehicle. chris shrugs, causing matt to sigh with disbelief. "check the hotel's reviews, dumbass! see if they have a parking garage. i don't want to leave a tour bus on the street."

𝑭𝑰𝑿 𝒀𝑶𝑼 - 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now