005 ┊❛ double man ❜

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real life 

IT'S six in the morning when jackie begins her shift at ms lennon's diner. she slowly makes her way down the sidewalk toward the little building, yawning as she turns the corner. blake doesn't work until noon, so she's the only employee until them. plus, customers don't really start coming in until brunch. there will be a few stragglers, but normally she only serves one or two people in the early mornings.

as jackie nears the diner, she sees ms lennon outside. the little old lady is struggling to walk out the door with an a-frame outdoor menu. she's got one leg extended to prop the door open, but can't move very well with her arms full. jackie jogs over to her, taking the sign out of her hands.

"thank you, dear." ms lennon says with a wavering voice.

"of course." jackie replies easily, setting the menu on the ground right outside the door. it displays today's special, which is a serving of pancakes that comes with whipped cream and strawberries in the shape of a smiley face. the words are written in slanted cursive. jackie knows ms lennon's handwriting isn't that neat, so she assumes one of the afternoon employees must have written it for her.

as she finishes setting the menu up, she turns to follow her boss inside. ms lennon shuffles around to open the diner — flicking the lights on, replacing the sign with one that says opened rather than closed, and simply just getting the place up and running. as she does, jackie walks behind the counter and grabs her apron off its hook, pulling it over her head. blake always ties it in the back for her when he's working, even though she insists she can do it herself. the memory makes her smile.

as she pins her name tag to the material of her shirt, jackie leans against the nearest wall. it'll be a while before a customer comes in. she might as well get comfortable. seeing as there's nothing else for her to to do, jackie ends up lost in her thoughts — mostly using this time to think about last night's events.

mabel texted her, informing jackie that she had gotten home safe and was staying at her older brother's house until everything settled down with her crazy ex. jackie agreed that was a good idea. then, they spent a while getting their contacts set up — names, profile photos, etc.

after mabel had left to go to sleep, jackie was alone with her thoughts once more.

blake was asleep in their shared bedroom, and willie was hardly any help. all the cat wanted was to sleep and cuddle, which isn't very good company when she needed someone to talk about deep things with.

𝑭𝑰𝑿 𝒀𝑶𝑼 - 𝐜𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐬 𝐬𝐭𝐮𝐧𝐢𝐨𝐥𝐨Where stories live. Discover now