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"Do you hate me?"

Kean remembered seeing pain and conflict swirl within Wen's eyes as he posed the question he had been avoiding for so long. Although Kean knew the likely answer, he still longed for Wen to deny his hatred. The way Wen gazed at him through moist, angered eyes reminded Kean of the time he first saw Wen following the brown-haired's disappearance from school.

The day when everything changed began like any other day. Kean met Wen and Wren at their school's entrance, and the three headed to class together as they had done from the beginning of the semester. Other than Wren being especially excited for school to end, Kean had not noticed any difference in the twins' demeanor. 

Wen was quiet as ever and Wren was just as cheerful, if not a bit more. Kean always found it interesting how the two twins could not be more different. While Wen was reserved and sweet, Wren was gun-ho and upbeat. All the boys fawned over Wren, and all the girls blushed when Wen passed by. And when Kean was with them, the trio was the talk of the school.

It was Monday and the start of the school week. Kean had basketball practice after classes just like he did every other day, but he had gotten an itch to go out afterward, so he inquired about his friends' plans following the conclusion of the school day and if they were free to have some fun. 

Wen replied with his normal answer, "I have work. Maybe another time." However, Wren held her hand to her lips and giggled as she replied, "Why do you even have to ask? You're such a goof."

Kean scrunched his brows together. Eh? What the hell does that mean? It was not too unusual for Wren to giggle in response to something Kean had said, so he brushed it off as her being a bit weird. Maybe it's her time of the month.

The remainder of the school day came and went much like the many days before it, and Kean was shooting some extra hoops following the end of basketball practice when he received the first call. The twins were not available for a night out, so Kean thought he would get some more practice in before the next game. And since his holophone was in his sports bag that was set against the gym wall, Kean had no idea of the chaos that was unfolding at that very moment.

After an hour or so of extra practice with Stryke, Kean finally called it quits and collected his bag on his way to the team's locker room to take a quick shower before heading home. Kean's father had just returned from a business trip, so the longer he could delay going back home, the easier his night would be. Thus, it was completely dark by the time Kean finished showering and had changed into a pair of clean clothes.

A buzzing sound in his bag alerted Kean to an incoming call as he ruffled his damp hair with a short towel. I wonder who's calling at this hour. Wen should almost be done with his shift; maybe it's him. Reaching into his bag and retrieving his holophone, Kean raised a brow when he saw it was Wren who was calling. 

Three missed calls? Is there something she needs to tell me?

"Hello?" Kean spoke into the holophone as he answered the call.

"Finally, you pick up." Wren sounded tired as she responded to Kean over the phone.

Confused by Wren's response, Kean hung the towel around his neck and began packing his bag. "What's up?" He asked in return.

"'What's up?' Seriously?" She returned. "I'm such a fool, that's what's up." 

"Wren, what's-"

Before Kean could ask if everything was okay, Wren scoffed and said, "I'm transferring. I called to tell you that. Don't try to contact me from now on."

"What?? Wren-"

The call ended abruptly, leaving Kean dumbfounded. Wren is transferring? Why? What happened?

After recovering from the sudden announcement, Kean tried to call Wren back, but his number had already been blocked. What is going on?

When he could no longer contact Wren, Kean then tried to dial her brother who also did not pick up. Kean was aware that Wen was still at work, so he was not too worried when he could not get a response. Grabbing his bag, Kean quickly left the gym and began making his way to the bus stop just outside the school. He figured Wen would have been done with his shift by the time he arrived at the cafe, so Kean thought it would be best to meet up with Wen to find out what was going on. 

However, as he reached the school's entrance, Kean's heart sank. Just outside the school's gate sat the car of his father's secretary. Shit.

The moment Kean exited through the archway, several men emerged from the black car and approached the high schooler. "Young master, Li, please come with us," the secretary said as he neared Kean. "Your father requests your presence."

Kean released a sigh as he looked at the three men standing in front of him. Aware that the men would not allow Kean to leave the school unless it was in the secretary's car, Kean reluctantly followed his father's men to the car. His father was a strong, military man, and his orders must be obeyed. Whatever was happening with the Kaihan twins would have to wait until the next day.

Sorry, Wen.


The next day, Kean waited outside the school's main entrance just as he did the many mornings prior, however, neither Wen nor Wren appeared. Despite trying to contact both his friends, Kean received no response. This continued until Friday of that week. And, when Wen returned to school, he was not the same.

With Wren no longer by his side, Wen completely withdrew from everything and everyone. Even his best friend, Lay, could not extract any reactions. Kean could never forget the way Wen looked at him the moment they reunited upon Wen's return. Wen's gaze was filled with hatred and pain.

Every time Kean tried to talk to Wen and ask what was going on, Wen would shoot daggers at Kean before storming away. He refused to talk to Kean, and it hurt Kean to see Wen in so much pain. Although Kean tried multiple times to talk to Wen, Wen was relentless in his glares and loathing. It was as if he was talking to an iron wall. And so, Kean, who was hurt by Wen's unexplained hate, slowly began to return the glares until the two eventually became enemies.

They had drifted far away from each other and were wrapped up in their own, conflicting feelings. As Wen struggled to process the sudden death of his sister and the fact that his friend was the cause of her passing, Kean began to harbor resentment toward Wen for turning against him without even talking to him about why he was so hateful.

So, when Wen answered, "Yes" on the rooftop that night after the group's venture to Manik, the resentment in Kean's heart swelled once again. He hates me... But why? What happened to make him look at me that way? Was it because Wren suddenly transferred? Did something happen to Wren when she transferred?

The questions that had plagued Kean in the months that followed Wren's transfer resurfaced as Wen confirmed his hatred for Kean. However, this time, Kean did not allow his resentment toward Wen to overtake his emotions. After leaving Wen on the rooftop, Kean leveled his mind as he cooled off.

He had matured emotionally in the nearly two years that had passed between Wren's transfer and then, and he was tired of hating Wen. In actuality, he never wholeheartedly hated Wen. How could he when Wen was the one he had feelings for? Kean only kept up the act of hatred to cope with Wen's sudden disdain toward him. 

After saving Wen in Manik and being so close to him without having daggers be shot at him, Kean realized he could not maintain his act of hatred. He still liked Wen. He liked him a lot. 

So, Kean slowly began letting his hatred fade away and started caring for Wen once again. And, he let his concern for Wen show. He hated seeing Wen be in pain. He knew something happened to Wen and his sister, and although he did not know what it was, Kean had decided to be there for Wen as best he could.

He was tired of hating the one he liked.

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