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Thursday 4846.5.21

"Hahhhh," Tan released in a sigh as he leaned back in his chair, clasping his hands behind his head. "Can you believe tomorrow's our last day of being juniors?"

A warm breeze flowed into the classroom through the opened window just beside Wen and Tan's desks. It was the class' down period where they were allowed to study any subject or work on their projects. Lay was reading a book quietly while Wen had laid his head on his desk and was resting with his eyes shut, enjoying the breeze that swept over him.

"I definitely can!" Jet, the boy who sat in front of Lay, responded. "I can't wait to graduate."

"Watchya going to do when we do? You going to uni?" Tan inquired, happy that he had someone to converse with.

"That's the hope. I've got to pass the UEE (university entrance exam) first though."

"Me too," Tan sighed. The UEE was not an easy exam to pass. It required months of studying and dedication to score a decent grade. "You taking it in the fall or spring?"

"I'll take my first attempt in the fall, and if I don't do well, I'll try again in the spring."

"Wow, you really want to get into uni." Tan admired Jet's determination to go to university. "If I don't do well when I take it in the fall, I'll probably just go to college."

For those who were not born with the xaiyon gene or did not want to get scouted, if one wished to pursue higher education after grade school, he or she could attend a 2-4-year college or 4-6-year university. Xaiyon specialized academies ran for 4 years of education with 2 years of field experience before a student could be officially inducted as a full-fledged xaiyon.

So, Wen would have 6 years of education and training after finishing his basics at Azari Preparatory High Academy before he could begin his career as a xaiyon officer in the International Defense System. Unlike Tan and Jet, Wen would not have to take the UEE, however, his year of learning at Azari would be the equivalent to the UEE and would determine which specialized academy he would be accepted into.

"So, what are you two going to do?" Tan asked as he craned his head back to look at Wen and Lay. "You going to a specialized academy after Azari?"

Throughout Wen and Lay's conversations with Tan and Jet over the past eight months following the results of the blood tests, their two friends had become aware of both of them testing positive and planning on attending a PHA. However, Wen and Lay did not speak much of their plans following graduation from Azari.

"Of course, we're going to a SA," Wen murmured in response. His words were slightly slurred from his lazy, tired state. He did not even open his eyes as he answered Tan.

"That's true, I guess. What else can you two do? You've already agreed to live the life of a xaiyon."

"Man, I wish I had tested positive," Jet moaned as he looked at Lay and Wen. "Then I wouldn't have to take the UEE."

"Yeah, but you'd have to do 6 years of training just to enter the world of the xaiyon," Tan pointed out.

"But being a xaiyon would be so awesome!" Jet returned. "I mean, you learn to master an element!"

"I know!" Tan agreed rather loudly, drawing the attention of his twenty or so other classmates. After sheepily dipping his head in apology, he added, "I bet I would be a kyro if I was one. Mannn, how cool would that be?" Sitting up and turning to face Wen, Tan asked,  "What kind of xaiyon are you?"

"Hey, how could he know that?" Jet answered for Wen, who had no response to Tan's inquiry. "No one knows which xaiyon gene will present itself. That's why they go through that thing where they 'present'," Jet lectured.

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