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They were provided a room which had four beds, designed in a way that two beds (lower bed and upper bed) were on one side and rest on the other side, a desk with a desk light and an attached bathroom was there. A simple room which is not very luxurious but a room which suits most.

"What's this on your face?" Questioned Priya

"Nothing, just a face mask," replied Venkat.

How disgusting you are, thought Priya to herself.

Venkat shrugged his shoulders - indicating his thought "Just what has happened?"

"Nothing" Replied Priya.

"Here, you can also use one if you want. There's no need to hesitate; it will protect your skin just like it does for me."

"I don't want one, keep it with yourself"

"Ok then. Hey, see Victoria is still asleep, she also looks like a baby doesn't she?" complimented Venkat.

"Ouch! What is making you stab my head? Do you know how much it hurts?!" said Venkat with frustration.

Yes, Victoria was still asleep. Mathew was wondering who she was? and how did she know him? During that time, he found a photograph peeking out from her bag. He gently took the photograph, only then did he realize who this Victoria was he had been talking to all this time.

"What a surprise! You two have participated in a competition. You have got second prize. What was the competition?" Questioned Venkat.

"Yes, it was a quiz competition. I met her in this competition, but I've forgotten her. It's natural that I didn't remember her because there were many children who had participated."

"But she told me that you were her classmate"


"Yes, she told me like that, wasn't she your classmate?"

"No, she wasn't my classmate, she was studying in C section not in B"

"So, you both were studying in the same school"


"Now, I've understood"

Victoria slowly opened her eyes and looked at them. Venkat was gazing at her, their faces inches apart."

"Aaah!" exclaimed Victoria as she fell from the bed.

"Aaah!" yelled Venkat and Priya simultaneously.

Victoria hurt her head so badly, she felt that her head had broken into pieces. While Victoria was struggling to move, Mathew lent his hands to lift her. She was surprised to see him helping her, and suddenly her face started to change, chicks got big like she filled her mouth with a lot of water, she struggled to be normal and suddenly she spit something out and all fell on Mathew's shirt. Yes, she vomited...

" Hahahaha!" Venkat's mouth went from ear to ear, he can't control his laughter which eventually made Priya to join him.

Few seconds passed by, Venkat and Priya come to the reality of what was happening.

Venkat: "What happened?!... Victoria?! Are you all right?!"

Mathew: "Venkat! go get someone here"

Venkat went to the ground floor, he was running as fast as he could, and didn't see who was on his way...


"Ho! I'm sorry... Hey Isabella... I need your help"

Meanwhile Mathew held Victoria's head a bit tight making her head still, as it would help her feel better in this situation.

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