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It's been 3 days since he had extended the invitation to Becky and it had also been that long since the last time I've talked to Becky, let alone see her. I have talked with Richie through messages and it seems that Becky had told him about the outing and that he had agreed to come along. He also made sure to let me know that he was practically given no other choice but to do so.

Now, with Richie driving his car, which was more appropriate for us to use due to its larger capacity that is enough to accommodate the four of us, he successfully parked the car in a parking lot dedicated to the most famous theme park in the area, after going around the lot a couple of times.

It's no surprise that the place is packed; aside from its popularity, having it be a weekend was an added feature as to why it is now full of people.

The last time I came here was four years ago, before I left. There were only Becky and me back then, and we really had a lot of fun. Though we did come here because I was trying to make up with her, I enjoyed it with her nonetheless.

A lot of things have changed, but the overall image, feel, and atmosphere of the place are still the same, and I hope they will never change even after the years to come. But what I truly wish the most is to be able to say the same about me and Becky's relationship. I really wish that things have not turned for the worst and that I can still do something to make it all up and hopefully fix the now strained atmosphere between us.

I really don't like what's happening between us, it's suffocating and draining.

"Where should we go first" he asked the rest of us with enthusiasm, probably the only one who's feeling that way. He looked like a child who was given a reward and felt really good about it.

"How about we go this way and just ride the ones we take fancy on" It was Richie who answered, which I'm really thankful for. I know that Becky won't be doing much talking today just by looking at her demeanor; she has been acting that way since we all met up. I have been here too, but I'm not really familiar with this place and not really into extreme rides, so I was a little hesitant to suggest a place, so I really appreciate Richie right now. Bringing him along was the right thing to do. Becky made the right choice.

It took a moment to confirm our agreement with the suggestion, but we were soon on our way to explore the place. As we started walking, he started a conversation with Richie, who seems to be very accommodating to him, while Becky and I followed suit, simply going with the flow.

Soon enough, we started choosing attractions to play at and rides to go to. Becky did make some side comments, but we managed to simply play it off as her being temperamental. After all, we are here to have fun, and we don't want anything that would spoil it for us. When we decided to choose snacks for all of us to have, he and Richie took the lead and started choosing for us. At one point, he offered me a tuna sandwich "Don't you know she's allergic to tuna?" Becky suddenly scolded him, catching the three of us off guard. He went on and apologized to me, but I told him it was fine, and with Richie's help, we were able to keep the atmosphere from being ruined.

As we went on to continue our small adventure inside the park, Him and Richie continued to take the lead while Becky and I were only a few steps behind them when they suddenly stopped and turned to us "Let's go to the roller coaster ride next" he stated excitedly before telling us that they would go and line up for us when I told him that I would go to the comfort room for a little while. Soon enough, the two boys were practically running towards the line.

"He doesn't even know that you're not fond of such extreme rides" I was about to go to the bathroom when I suddenly heard Becky mutter, "Just what is it that you like about it? Do you even like him?" Hearing her say that made me snap, and I was not able to control myself.

"BECKY!!" I shouted at her and instantly regretted it. The surprised look on her face was nothing like I had ever seen before, but I couldn't stop myself and went on with my scolding. I don't want people to think that Becky is rude, mean, or mannerless, especially him, because she is everything but those. "I understand that you're angry at me for hiding the truth from you but you need to stop this act" I told her coldly, despite my hating to do so. 

"You might not like him, but that's no excuse for you to disrespect him" I said to her, the hurt expression she was wearing is really getting to me but I kept on "You are already old enough, you should know how to act properly" Once I was done telling her that, her face went from rage then hurt and then nothing, a poker face filled with coldness. And that face hurt me way more than any of the other expressions she's had since my return.

"I apologize" she said through gritted teeth, and her eyes were starting to become red. "I'm sorry for acting like a brat" I can tell that she's holding her tears "From now on, I'll make sure to know my place, P'Freen" The moment those honorific words came out of her mouth, the pain I felt was washed away, and I simply felt... numb. I can't even begin to describe it; there are no words that would better represent what I'm feeling at this moment.

P'Freen... she has never called me that, not even when we were children. We have had discussions about that matter, but she never listened to me or to anyone about it; she simply kept on calling me by my name. Shouldn't I be happy that she's finally calling me respectfully? But why did it cause me even more pain? Why does that single letter hurt me so much?

The atmosphere between us became even more tensed, and I no longer knew what to do next, good thing that Richie came to us to tell us that the line was not long and moved at a fast pace, that our turn was coming soon, and that we should head there fast. I wanted to explain to him what happened, but Becky beat me to it once again "Ok, we'll head there now" she told him, and she went on to start walking towards the line.

Richie must have sensed the tension and asked us if there was something wrong "There's nothing wrong" Becky once again answered faster than me "P'Freen was just giving me advice" she explained to him, and based on his facial expression, he too was shocked with the sudden addition of that single letter.

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to update twice a week, no promises though...

I hope I can manage this frequency in the update...

Anyways, here's another chapter...

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