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"Bec!" was the first thing that I heard the moment that I closed the door behind me. I looked around to find where the voice was coming from and sure enough it was her, my best friends, Irin. She's been bugging me, reminding me of today's party whenever she finds the chance. She's such a sweetheart except for her being loud. "You made it!" she said happily as she gave me a bear hug that I'm pretty sure could kill me one day, though I hope that day won't come. "I thought you're not gonna come" she pouts as she pull back but still keeping both of her hands on my shoulders. "Of course I'd come" I assured her, I did promise her after all. "My brother's been teasing me again, that's why I'm late" I told her, annoyance evident on my face and voice. "Good thing that Freen came just in time and helped me deal with that annoying brother of mine" I added. Just remember already made me feel all warm inside. "Ooh" I heard Irin say, snapping me out of my reminiscing and back to the girl in front of me. "So P'Freen came like the night in shining armor for her princess" she said ever so teasingly that I felt my blood rushing to my face. I could only manage to show a smile. I used to be so proud whenever she says something along the lines but now it makes me shy. Still proud, but more shy.

"You certainly are head over heels for her" Irin said after a few moment of watching my reaction in silence. "I still can't believe it took you so long to realize" she added, massaging her temples with her fingers, head down, seemingly resigned. "At least now I know" I retaliated, not wanting my friend to see my face that I am certain has turned red with embarrassment. "You were so in denial before" she said. "Saying things like I only like her as an older sister, I'm always like this with everyone, No! I don't look at her in a special way" quoting my own words as if I need another reminder of my own foolish self. "It was such a headache" she added teasing me even more and I only smiled in return. If my face was red before, I know that it's much worse now. "If I had known that getting someone to confess that they like her that way would be the way to let you realize how you truly feel, I would have done so earlier" remembering that day makes me relieved and ashamed, both at the same time. I'm relieved to finally be able to understand my own feelings but ashamed of the way I figured it out.


"I really like you" I heard a trembling voice that made me stop on my tracks. Instinctively, I hid myself behind the wall, along with Irin who's with me. We're on our way to meet with P'Freen since we always eat lunch together, one of the perks of going to the same school. "I've been in love with you for some time now and I really want to be your girlfriend" the girl continued. "Looks like P'Freen got another admirer" Irin whispered in my ear that it startled me a little. "A serious one this time" she added.

I've always known that Freen is popular; I have seen countless guys profess to her but she would always decline them. This is gonna be the first time that I've seen a girl profess to her, makes me wish that I spared a moment to look at the girl and see what she looks like. "I wonder what P'Freen will say" Irin said and I couldn't help but wonder the same thing. "I like you too..." I heard Freen say and it got me frozen in place. 'Does Freen really like that girl? Is she gonna say yes? Will she have a girlfriend now?' All kind of thoughts ran through my head through that split second that Freen stopped talking. "... but I'm afraid it's not the same like as yours" I heard Freen continue and it felt like something heavy was lifted from my chest. "I admire your courage but I'm afraid that I'm gonna have to say no" she continued, turning down the girl so considerately.

"That girl must me heartbroken now" Irin commented, making me smile a little. I know it's not nice but I can't help it. "She shouldn't have confessed to her, I knew she was going to be rejected" I said as confidently as I can. "Really?" Irin asked teasingly, making me flinch a little. "Of course, she doesn't suit her anyway" I blurted out before I could even stop myself from talking. "Is that so..?" she said. "And who would suit her?" she egged on. "That would be m-" I managed to stop myself once I realized what I was going to say. "Hmm?" I heard Irin. "That would be who?" I didn't have to look to know that she has that smug smile plastered on her face. I was struggling to find a way to get over the situation but I know deep inside that it's too late. "Just admit it already Bec" Irin said and I know that the conversation is already over. "Do you really think I like her that way?" I asked, resigned. "I don't think so, I know so" she answered. "I have been observing you for so long and I know that the thought of P'Freen being together with someone other than you scares you so much" she said and I nodded in agreement. "Tell me, if you close your eyes now and think of the person that would be your first kiss, who'd that be?" she asked, her voice having a hint of concern. I closed my eyes and really tried to imagine it and was shocked, well not really, at who the person is. I tried repeatedly but only one face would show every single time. Opening my eyes once again it told her "I really am in love with Freen"

~~~~~end of flashback~~~~~

"Come on, I really didn't know that I like her that way before" I whined. "I was so used to us being the way we are that I didn't realize I was feeling something more for her than just an older sister" I explained once again, fully aware that Irin does know. "So, have you told her yet?" she asked and I could only smile in response. "Not yet" I said, shaking my head. "Do you even plan on telling her?" she asked. "I do" I answered quickly. "I'm just... I'm just looking for the right timing" I said sheepishly, almost to a whisper. "The right timing will never come unless you actually decide to finally tell her" she said, scolding. "Don't just imagine telling her and do it for real" she added and I know that she's right. "Come on Irin, you should be helping me not teasing me" I whined for the second time and that made Irin smile. "Whatever" she said after a moment of silence. "Let's forget about all that for now and go, everyone's waiting for us" she ended the conversation just by doing so and I couldn't help but feel thankful about it.

Hi everyone!

I apologize for the long hiatus...

Things were really hectic that I barely had time to rest, let alone write... 

I do promise to finish the story that I already started so there's no need to worry about that...

I'll try to upload chapters regularly but I'm not gonna make any promises about that...

Thanks for all of those that are actually waiting for more...

Hope to see you all on the next chapter...

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