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"I'm gonna take this with me" I said to myself as I put a small-sized box safely into one of my luggage. Looking at my now full suitcase makes me surreal, it still doesn't feel real to me but the bag a physical reminder of the inevitable truth that is bound to come. "I have been preparing for quite some time now but it still hasn't really sink in to me that I'll be leaving this place" I said as I stood up and closed the suitcase. 

I have lived here my whole life, I've memorized the place enough to walk around the house even with my eyes closed. My entire childhood is within these walls so it was a really hard decision to pack up and leave.

I placed the suitcase neatly next to the other things that I will be taking with me, reminding me of the time where there was only one empty suitcase placed there before. It has been a while but it felt like it went by in a blink of an eye.

I walked towards my vanity table to get myself ready for the day and make myself look presentable for everyone, it is going to be my going away party so I have to show some effort and at least be pleasing to the eyes.

"Just a few more days and I'll be leaving" I said to myself in the mirror.  I am aware that I'll be able to get the best education by attending that school but if you were to ask me, I would rather attend a local university and stay here with everyone yet I don't want to disappoint my parents. I'm the only one they can rely on and I want to do my best for the company. Four years, just four years of studying, it will pass by in no time. I know that going there is for my best interest but I just can't help but feel sad.

Just then, a knock on the door was heard. "Freen" I heard my mom call me from behind the door so I immediately stood up and went to open it. "Are you ready to go?" she asked me "It's almost time" she added before I even had the chance to say something. "I'm just about done" I answered. "I just need to go and grab my things then I'll come down" I informed her, making her smile.

I was expecting my mom to leave immediate and head down but she stood there without saying anything. "Mom?" I called to her, concerned. "Is there something wrong?" I asked and she shook her head in reply. "I know it was our suggestion but I just can't believe that you really are going to be far away from here" she said with her voice full of longing and sadness. "It's just four years mom, it's gonna be over before you know it" I said though I don't know which one of us I was directing it too. "This is going to be the longest that you're not gonna be with us" she stated and I can tell that this really saddens her so much. It is making me emotional but I need to be strong, today is supposed to be a happy occasion so tears are the last thing I want to see. 

"It's gonna be okay mom" I assured her "We're still gonna talk every day, I'm gonna video call and tell you everything so it's gonna be like I didn't leave at all" I told her as lively as I can, putting confidence and assurance in my voice. A smile finally found its way to her face and that made me feel glad and relieved. "Alright" she said "I'm gonna head down first, you should hurry and come down too" she told me before finally walking away.

As soon as I closed the door, I took a deep breath to calm myself down. Mom made me emotional and I don't want to show anyone my crying face today.

I went towards my bed to get my phone when I'm suddenly hit with nostalgia. This place is a sanctuary to me. Me, Becky and Richie have been here for the longest time, though we did spend some time in their rooms, we spent way more time here doing nothing. 

We played here so much when we were children, had sleepovers and do basically everything that we felt like doing. You could totally say that my entire childhood is here inside this room. Richie made Becky cry here a lot of time and I'm the one to comfort her but now it looks like I'm gonna be the one to make her cry.

It has been a while since I have come to the decision of going overseas to get my degree but I still haven't found an opportunity to tell her, basically everyone knows about me leaving but her. I did ask them to keep it from her since I want to be the one to tell her but I was really having a hard time to do so.

I don't really wanna see her cry, even more so if it's because of me, but it looks like my time has ran out. This party is for my sendoff and she is bound to find out the truth so I have to tell her before the party starts. I have been thinking of scenarios as to how I'll tell her but my conviction weakens whenever I see her looking so happy. I want her to be happy all the time so causing her distress is something that dreads me to do.

Having firm my resolve, I picked up my phone from the bed, went to check myself in the mirror for one last time before taking a very deep breath. "Everything will be alright" I told myself, more like tried to convince myself. "Now I just have to figure out a way to tell Becky" was the last thing I said before finally heading out.

Hi everyone!

Here's another chapter for you guys to read.

I know I'm not uploading fast enough but I am trying.

Writing became quite a challenge after the long hiatus but I'm sure it will be fine...

Anyways, thanks for waiting and reading...

Hope to see you in the next chapter...

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