Chapter 35

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He knew the way to my heart and he took advantage of it every single day. Ever since that night I accused Elvis of having some whore in his room while it was just Delia, who—to my surprise— was Jerry's girlfriend, Elvis refused to get physical with me again.

He's never been like that, he never seemed like the abusive type, but he hated himself for it. For a week straight after the incident, he bought me new flowers, new clothes, and even a horse. We named him Domino and we fell in love with riding through the valley during sunrise and sun set.

Elvis went out of his way to buy a fillie for Lisa-Marie, she named her Moriah. He hired an instructor to give her horseback riding lessons. It soon became our new family hobby.

Currently, we were preparing for Christmas at Graceland. It was Christmas Eve, and Elvis wanted it to be perfect for all of us. There were presents flooding the tree, a lot of the tags read 'to Y/n' or 'to Lisa-Marie'. I scolded Elvis for buying so many presents— for everyone— but of course, he cut me off with a kiss.

Due to the fact that I was officially moved into Graceland, I had to resign from my teaching position at the elementary school. I felt terrible for leaving the kids in the middle of the first semester, but Elvis didn't really like the fact that I had a job to begin with. He believed that the men should be the ones working for their family, and he's always been that way, so I knew better than to put up a fight.

Rob was still skeptical about Elvis, but he understood that I was happy. Lisa-Marie still attended the same school, Rob was making sure she was placed in the gifted classes, and that no one was bothering her. Elvis wanted to send her to school with a bodyguard, but I shut that idea down quickly. Our daughter deserved to have and experience a normal childhood, something Elvis and I never got to experience.

I was currently on the way to drop presents off at Rob's home with Lisa-Marie. I got something for his kids, Rob, and Lola— his nanny. Elvis, of course, wanted to come with nothing funny would happen, but I didn't mind. He was driving me, and made it very clear that he'd stay in the car.

We pulled up to Rob's familiar house and I smiled, taking my seatbelt off. As Elvis parked, he just told me to be careful and that he'd be watching me like a hawk.

I stepped out of the car and got Lisa out of her car seat, shutting both doors afterwards. I had Lisa run to the door and ring the doorbell to let the family know we were here.

As I gathered presents out of the trunk, I heard the sound of tiny footsteps running around and high pitched laughter. Then Lola came rushing out. She basically ran up to me and embraced me in a tight hug.

"God, Y/n! It's been so long! How are ya'?" Lola wondered.

Smiling, I said, "it's been good! How are you doll?"

I gathered Lola's gifts and handed them to her. She thanked me and set her gifts on the trunk so she could help me with the rest.

"Lord, you look good, girl. And look at all this stuff! Rob's gonna kill ya'," she admitted.

We both knew how all men operated, so I wouldn't be surprised if he was against all of this.

"I know... but it's the holidays, he better let this shit slide. I didn't keep any receipts, I can't look at another toy or I'll blow my brains out."

Lola and I fell into a fit of laughter as Rob came outside with his own bag full of gifts. Lola kissed my cheek to say goodbye and made her way into the house. I prepared to hand Rob his gifts before he set his sack of presents on the top of the car, which was probably infuriating Elvis.

"Hey Santa," I joked, leaning into Rob for a hug.

Chuckling, he hugged me back, squeezing my hips slightly. I saw Elvis through the side mirrors, and he was shaking his head. I simply rolled my eyes at his jealousy and turned back towards the trunk.

"Thank you for all this, but-"

Pressing my hand to his mouth, I shook my head. "Oh, yap-yap-yap. You are going to take each and every single one of these gifts and love 'em and cherish 'em, and I expect to see them in a museum one day," I said with a small snort.

Rob laughed once more, taking my gifts to him and holding them at his side.

"Alright, alright. You doin' alright?"

I knew he meant my situation with Elvis, he was just trying to be cautious since Elvis was most likely listening to our conversation.

"Yeah, everything's been so much better. Just... Just taking it all in as it comes, ya'know?

He nodded, shifting his weight onto his left leg.

"I understand. I hope you all enjoy your holidays- and I hope you enjoy the perfume, I haven't been shopping for a woman in years," he admitted.

"Really? What about Lola?" I asked while putting Rob's gift to our family in the trunk, closing it afterwards.

"Oh please, Lola's not a woman. Lola's a Lola."

Rolling my eyes at his joke, I smacked his shoulder which caused him to cackle. Lisa-Marie ran over to me and I ran my fingers through her hair as I waved bye to Rob's kids. I gave him one last hug.

"I'll see you around, alright? You too Lisa-Marie."

Lisa-Marie waved up at him as she climbed in the backseat. Elvis reached over to buckle her into the car seat, still peering menacingly out the window.

"Merry Christmas, Rob," I said while getting into the passenger's seat.

"Merry Christmas, Y/n."

Elvis quickly pulled off the second I put my seatbelt on, which only caused me to laugh chaotically.

"You take a bath when you get home. Need'a get his germs off my woman."


"You too Lisa-Marie," he looked back at her, taking a hand off the wheel to tickle her stomach. "Lord knows his kids got hit with the ugly stick, that shit's contagious."


Sorry for the short chapters! Short chapters lead to bigger things!😉

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