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 But I think that's a super philosophy 

That way you can go through your entire life , without ever knowing anybody.- Good Will Hunting (1997)

One year later

I finally managed to save up a lot from the part time jobs , I successfully managed to move out of the basement to a much nicer building , the building may not be the best , but it certainly is better than what  I had been living in before .

I started as a freelancer online and have earned quite a substantial amount now , it was certainly not much to fully publish my writing but it was enough to get me by.

The vibrant streets of Hongdae were bustling with the laughter and chattering of the young crowd , especially young couples , walking hand in hand , exploring .

I often find myself coming here , I don't know for sure whether if its because of the fact that i find solace in crowded places or that they inspire me to write more. Everyone is going through something in their lives and everyone has a story to them. I often sit and observe the passer-bys , what their expression is like? are they sad or are they happy? It may not seem like much , but observing in itself is an art . 

Seoul is such a crowded place , people come here with dreams and aspirations , sometimes even burning all bridges off from their past lives to start anew . I wonder if they all found the thing they came here to look for? 

I quickly finish of my soda can and get up , it was time to go home and work on my writing now , I sometimes wonder if it was worth defying my father's wishes and work as a novelist instead. I took the last train home , despite there being a massive crowd in hongdae , the train was rather empty , there were a total of 4 people in my compartment .

A middle aged woman who was wearing a simple but eye catching maroon colored cardigan, a young student who was returning home from hagwon ( after school academy), a young mother with her infant , and a man dressed in full black with his mask on .

The man looked rather familiar , like I had seen him somewhere before , but I did not pay much heed to it , he must've caught me staring at him , he looked at me in a really weird way.  I'd rather read a book than look at that guy , I take out my mini pocket sized book from my bag . " The secret history " by donna tarte is the book I am currently reading .Before I knew it I arrived at my station. Surprisingly, the creepy guy got out at the same station as me . Weird , right?

Once I reached the bus stop , the guy was there! , The guy stared at me weirdly throughout the bus ride , well it would be over soon , i will get out of the bus at my stop and run , my pepper spray is in my bag , right? 

"Why did we get out at the same stop? He must live in the same neighborhood as me !" I try to think positively of him , but still I should be prepared for everything . I grab onto my bag and start walking fast . 

when we reach near my building he comes to a sudden stop . "WHY ARE YOU FOLLOWING ME???HAVEN'T YOU GUYS DONE ENOUGH DAMAGE ALREADY ? PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE!!!!!" he yells at me 

"ME?!?!  I was following HIM?! " Rage overcomes me

" YOU WERE FOLLOWING ME!" I snap back at him 

he scoffs at me  " DO NOT FOLLOW ME!" he gives a firm warning and continues walking .


At this point I 've had a really long  day already so I just continued walking ." Nothing will be able to come in the way of me and my novel , there is a ton of work I have to catch up on "I think to myself and continue walking.

" ENOUGH IS ENOUGH , I AM CALLING THE POLICE !!!!" The strange man yells while coming to a stop --

Something in the rainTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon