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For the first time in his life, Kazuha experienced cutting class on purpose, well, maybe not entirely on purpose.

He and Kuni had been talking at the rooftop for a while now. They heard the bell rang the first time but Kazuha could only do is was to cry in silence when Kuni won't let him go and force him to listen to his rants.

Kazuha should be used hearing Kuni's rant, but now it's entirely different. He used to listen to Kuni's rant while in class, now, he skips class to hear it.

"What kind of first day is this even!? I can't even eat my lunch because of those flieas always buzzing off"

Currently, Kuni was laying on the ground while Kazuha patiently sits besides him.

"It's not a surprise that they would do that, you seemed nice and approachable" Kazuha said. "And you seemed like you enjoyed their attention though"

"This damn person deserves their attention" Kuni smugly said. "But not if they'll act like freaking parasites"

Kazuha let out a defeated sign. He can't believe that this was the same person that was smiling sweetly just earlier to other students. He didn't even looked fake when smiling and laughing earlier.

Thinking about it, there's this one question his been meaning to ask.

"I'm curious, why did you transfer here Kuni?" He looked down to the latter. Kuni was looking at the sky with a bored face.

"Ei kicked me out from school" Kuni answered, he lifted himself and sat beside Kazuha. "What a hypocrite, saying she doesn't want me anymore yet angry that I left"

Again, Kazuha let out a defeated sign. What a way to call his mother.

"Forget about that, I'm curious about our little goody two shoes here" Kuni eyed Kazuha.

"Little goody two shoes?" Kazuha repeated. "Wait, you're talking about me?"

Where did that even come from? Kazuha thought of something that he had done that made Kuni called him that, but there's none that comes to mind. Kazuha looked at Kuni confused.

"You, out of all people." Kuni started. "Kaedehara Kazuha, the person who always want me too keep out of trouble is called a delinquent here in your school" Kuni's brows arch. Kazuha was puzzled for a moment before laughing out loud.

His laugh didn't stop even when minutes have passed. Kuni begun to get pissed by his laugh and before he could get any angrier, Kazuha stopped himself.

"Apologies, I was just caught off guard" Kazuha cleared his throat. "I didn't think that rumor was still circling"

"So you admit that you are a delinquent?"

"Of course no, if anyone's a delinquent here, it would be you" Kuni glared at Kazuha but he brush it off and smirk, he can't deny that.

"What's that about you beating gang after gang during your free time then?" Kuni's brows furrowed. "Almost all students here knows that. They say your unbeatable. What the heck even saying that feels wrong"

"Oh that.. they just misunderstood, I just didn't bother to correct them. It's not really a gang I beat up, it's just those troublemakers always forcing me to play with them when they beat me on a game, nothing much"

Kuni signed in disappointment. He did think that rumors about Kazuha feels off.

"But you're a delinquent in their sights right?"

"Unfortunately, yes. I don't mind though"

Kuni suddenly stood up, startling Kazuha.

"Perfect! I'll stick with you until I can finally quite this fake facade then"

"It's funny to see you being nice knowing what's behind your mind, though. What even made you do it?"


Kuni helped Kazuha up before both of them walk towards the door.

"You really won't start streaming?"

Kazuha just answer with a soft laugh.

"The bells about to ring the final bell, let's head back"

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06 ⏰

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