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Leaning against his chair, Kazuha took a deep breath before looking at his screen again, there was a big saying plastered in his screen.


He wanted to curse his team mates for their low level skills but he stopped himself.

'Tsk, they were so heavy to carry'. He thought before reporting his team mates one by one.

He left the previous game and made he was irritated to the fact that his so called 'teammates' just a while ago invited him.

'The nerves that they have' he created his own lobby before they could invite him again. Praying that he'll be teamed up with good teammates, the game starts matching up.

And his prayers were heard, just that his enemies are also well skilled using their selected heroes, well... just their jungle. The game was intense, but Kazuha knew they were a little more skilled than the other, it was nearly ending when the jungler from the other team type:

(All)IamanArchon(***):Please end this **** game already

(All)IamanArchon(***): **** why do I **** have useless teammates

(All)IAmanArchon(***):**** Yall are **** heavy to **** carry *****

Kazuha's lips formed a smile and laughed a little. He was just like that a few moments ago. Before the game could end he type out a small message.

(All)KaeZuha(***):Wanna play together?

Before he could get a reply, the game already ended, there in his screen has the Victory written in it. He wasn't the MVP but he was just a few of points away.

Exiting the previous game, Kazuha was surprised he was invited to another game, and it was no other than 'IAmanArchon' he quickly accepted the invite.

Just as he entered the latter sended him a message.

I *** swear I'll hunt you and **** kill you if you are just like those **** losers

Kazuha laughed at load before replying.

If I am, then I'll hide from you forever

Kazuha was only teasing the latter, not to brag but he knows he is a well skilled player. On the other side IamanArchon knows it too, he check Kazuha's profile and saw that most of his games was either MVP or MVP loss, if not then gold with the most assist.

Just as the game started Kazuha was somewhat excited of the outcome of the game, and he wasn't disappointed, they won at a huge gap. After that Kazuha played with this player IamanArchon for hours and wasn't disappointed at every outcome.

It was either he was the MVP or the latter, ofcoure they also has some few defeats but most of their games was mostly victory.

Kazuha didn't know how much time he spended playing games with his new found buddy until he saw his clock saying that it was already 4am.

As much as Kazuha wants to continue playing, he decided to stop and rest.

He was still a student and his class starts at 7 am. There goes his rest then.

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