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Seeing Kazuha's reaction, Thoma and Heizou peeked at Kazuha's phone.

"Guess you're finally meeting your boyfriend" Heizou casually said.

"Ye-" Realizing what Heizou said, Kazuha hit Heizou's head making him lean down. Yet instead of getting angry Heizou laughed again, "I almost had you there."

Thoma shook his head, but smiling about Heizou's actions. He turned his head to Kazuha and he noticed that he was sort of deep in thought.

"So what will you do?" Thoma said interrupting Kazuha's train of thoughts.

Kazuha looked at his phone again then back at Thome, he seemed like he wanted to say something but as of now he can't.

"What are you waiting for? Go" Heizou butted in. Kazuha smiled before standing up.

"I'll leave the explanation to you!" Kazuha picked up his bag before running towards the door.

Both Thoma and Heizou witnessed Kazuha almost tripping near the door but remained silent. Kazuha was nowhere in their sight yet they were still quite.

"Wow he really left us" Thoma spoked slightly letting out a chuckle.

As for Kazuha, he questioned Kuni on where to meet as he was running. People in the hallway was looking at him,like who wouldn't? He was running like there was a monster chasing after him. Not only that he is a well known good student, who would've thought they could see the good and nice Kazuha breaking the rules such as running in the hallway.

When he was out of the school he looked at his phone, Kuni sender out the location and it was 20 mins away from their school. He replied on his way before continued running towards the gate.

It was a good thing that he and the guard were close so there wasn't any trouble going out. He took a cab and went straight forward to the location where Kuni said where he'll be.

On his way, Kazuha finally process about what was happening, he was about to meet his internet friend! Kuni!

He felt excited but at the same time he was panicking. He is finally gonna meet Kuni, they haven't even seen or talk via voice call before. What does he looks like? Is he different from how the way he talk at the internet and in real life?

There are so many questions lingering around Kazuha's head, some made him even more nervous. Kazuha's thoughts was cut off when the cab driver said that they were already at their destination.

Kazuha went out as soon as he paid for the cab and ran again, the location Kuni sent was a few meters away from where the cab left him. When he arrived he looked around.

Tatsumi Park. It's quite well known park, not just for children but also to teenagers and adults. The park has this relaxing vibe which is the reason why it was quite famous. Not only that, the park was well design making it eye catching for the people too.

There wasn't that many people in the park since it was still weekdays and people has work or school.

As Kazuha was about to type something again, two snaked like arms hugged him from behind.

"Excuse me, I think you got the wrong person uhm-" Kazuha peeked behind him and he was greeted by an indigo haired person who just tightened his grip on Kazuha. "Hey, I would love to stay and chat with you but I'm kinda in a hurry so I got to go" Kazuha tried to wiggle himself out but it was no use.

The person hugging him from behind didn't said anything, his grip didn't change either. Kazuha let out a deep sign but before he could say anything more, his mouth opened a little at what the person said.

"You're.. Kazuha right?"

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