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Currently Kazuha was surrounded by his friends emitting out a dark aura yet with an evil grin on their faces... especially Heizou.

"I didn't expect you, the good morale Kazuha would be living in together with his boyfriend" Heizou said.

"And didn't even told us until we caught you in an act" Thoma added.

"My my, Kazuha, we didn't know you have that side of you" Ayaka joined in. Kazuha was forcing out a smile and was ready to run as soon as he could find an opening to the three trapping him.

It's been three days since Kuni stayed at his place. Kazuha thought that he could hide that fact until Kuni would move out but he was caught last night when he was playing with his friends an online game and Kuni suddenly entered Kazuha's room.

Kazuha was on call with his friends and even though he was wearing headphones, Kuni's voice was still heard by them. Before they could react Kazuha ended the call and face a very confused Kuni.

"So, wanna play a single round?" Kuni pointing at his laptop at the living room, oblivious to the fact that he was heard by Kazuha's friends and Kazuha would be targeted by the teasing the next day.

Kazuha wished that the bell would already ring just so he could get away with his friends. And as if his prayers were heard, the bell actually rang.

"Don't think your safe Kazuha" Heizou said with the evil grin still plastered on his face. "Well be visiting your place very soon"

Kazuha let out a small nervous laugh before proceeding to their next subject. Kazuha tried his best to avoid his friends during breaks so he wouldn't have to face them and answer their questions but alas one thing he can't get away on is when schools over where literally the trio along with Gorou waited by the door on their classroom just to wait on Kazuha.

So currently, Kazuha with his four friends are now walking towards Kazuha's place. They were talking loudly and from time to time teases Kazuha about his said new roommate.

"I haven't actually seen your friend Kazuha, is he nice?" Ayaka asked.

Kazuha smiled at her and nods his head. Kuni is sometimes rude, especially when they are playing but aside from that he was nice at Kazuha.

"Oh I forgot to mention, try outs for the virtual game league would be next week! Let's try joining! There's five of us right!?" Gorou said.

"I'm in!" Heizou almost immediately said.

"Sure there's no problem with that" Kazuha said.

"Me too.. but" Thoma eyed Ayaka which all the party then do so.

"I'm sorry I can't play"

"It's fine Ayaka don't worry" Heizo then said.

"We understand" Kazuha patted Ayaka's back.

"I could ask Itto or Shinobu if they are willing to join" Gorou suggested.

They talk all the way to Kazuha's place and not a moment later they arrive. Kazuha was a little worried that Kuni would be uncomfortable with the sudden party but it all went away when he saw a letter just bu the door of his fridge.

'I ordered pizza. I'll be back later or tomorrow' - K

"Seems like your boyfriend ditched you again" Heizou suddenly appeared on Kazuha's back. Kazuha was about to smack Heizou's head but he dodge it skillfully. He noticed that Heizo has a pizza on his mouth.

"He's not my boyfriend Heizou, and he said he'll be back later" Heizou stared at Kazuha and blinked a few times before grinning.

"Whatever you say Kazuha" Heizou then laughed.

The target goal was supposedly to meet Kazuha's new roommate but since he was out, they decided to play a game and has a movie marathon on Kazuhas TV.

They also ordered dinner and talked all night until Kazuha's friends decided to leave.

"We'll see your friend next time then Kazuha" Thoma chuckled.

As they were bidding their goodbyes the door suddenly opened up revealed behind an indigo haired guy with two bags of groceries in his hands while trying to taking off his shoes with still having his hands occupied by the grocery bag.

"Kazuha I've bought yo-" the indigo man seemed to notice the party and was cut off. He stared at them for a few seconds before deciding to went back to the door and closed it.

There was a moment of silence before the four looked at Kazuha with their jaw slightly drop.

"Chase him!" Was the first thing that comes out of Heizou's mouth.

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