INTRODUCTION: The Wind's Deep Thoughts

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The birds are chirping their song amid darkness, seeming like they can still recognize hope in spaces they stare at and fly through. While the stars shine brightly, the moon peaks from its comfort zone, crescent yet whole, quite gorgeously honed. Now is a definite time to take a deep sleep and amuse yourself in your dreams, but these two young ladies under the tree don’t seem to be intrigued by having sweet dreams.

The lady thinks twice before fully uttering the question formed in her thoughts, “Have you ever…”. She then pauses and takes a deep breath, like it was the hardest decision she ever had at that present time, “…ever confessed your feelings to someone? I mean, like opening what you feel towards someone?” she asked then took a glance at the person peacefully sitting right next to her, her best friend.

Someone who just closed her eyes and inhaled all the freshness of the air as it played with them in the middle of the night after sneaking out of their dormitory room and ending up contemplating their lives.

But then the silence met its death.

Lay’s intimidating question cracked the ice that has been freezing their skinny bodies under the lonely tree in front of their dormitory. Few lamps in the hallway give a bit of life. They could only hear the wind singing a melodious song as the leaves danced with it and as well as the sweet branches reaching the space higher as it could match the bird’s sentiments. It whistles like a lullaby. They look into each other’s eyes, trying to decipher the awkwardness just a second after the simple question was uttered.

Simple yet not the simplest.

It wasn’t a new question, and neither were they teenagers anymore to even dodge it, yet somehow it sounded like a weird tone echoed, like an amateur pianist hitting the wrong chord, unexpectedly.

“Do you want to know the similarity of your question to this campus we’re staying in?”

Claire’s response made Lay wonder. “They’re both boring?”

“They are quite old fashioned.” She uttered and it perfectly painted a perfect smile to both their warm lips. “Why are you bringing that up anyways?” asked Claire and gazed at Lay. “don’t tell me you’re interested in the topic itself?”

Lay instantly shakes her head and the transition was fast, smiling bitterly. “It’s not that I’m interested, just curious.” she replied. “Some said that people are more honest in the evening, especially at midnight. I mean, it’s just that the idea thrills me to ask you that question.” She explained.

“That’s nonsense.” Claire disagrees. “So, it means we mostly lie in broad daylight?”

“I don’t know. I just read it somewhere.”

“Have you?” Claire dodge back the question to Lay, but she just smiles a bit and instantly shakes her head.

“There’s no way. Will never have that scenario stuck in my thoughts. And I doubt it’ll happen.”

“Well, in my case I did confess to someone” Claire answered then cleared her throat.  “Well, a lot of times I think, when I was in high school,” She added.

“What does it feel like?” a curious follow-up question from Lay, “Is it some sort of magic or…just a lost butterfly in your stomach?” Lay randomly added. This time their eyes look in the opposite direction, and sip their warm coffee, afraid that their eyes would bring the saying, eyes never lie to life. Claire digs up first her deepest well of thoughts before handing a cup of experience to Lay.

“It wasn’t that special at all. Like what I imagined it might be, or it should be, considering confession could be defined by someone as one of the big days she can have, since you know, it is about your heart’s voiceless words.” She explained and followed with a deep sigh.

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