CHAPTER 2: Not So Unfamiliar

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She let out a deep sigh and paused for a second before turning her eyes away from my stare. And her spacious inhales are now trying to say, she's now realizing she's still alive.

"I guess I still am alive," Claire whispered, then wiped her runny nose with her shirt. that's--- gross. I instantly grabbed her hand and then glared at her. I gave her my, -you're so disgusting look. She already knew what the meaning of those stares was and just pouted her lips and giggled. I put down my laptop and walked toward the bathroom to get the tissue.

"I've read your poem," said I. Although she was still facing my back, I could feel her blank stares stick to the back of my head. "Obviously you do know because you read it with me earlier," I added.

Heard her sniff her nose. "How was it?" she asked.

"Good," said I and turned my back to look at her reaction. "Deserves promotion," I simply added. Her eyes rolled and her deep breaths followed, with a bit of so-called pretend appreciativeness on her face, I could notice such small gestures at least.

Claire's pinkish lips hastily curved into a smile when my gaze caught her face again. That simple move somehow showed me that in an instant, even pretending smiles possibly can overpower sadness in someone's eyes, like what she wore earlier.

I gave her the tissue and grabbed my laptop to sit beside her, I caught her tightly closed eyes and my tiny palm automatically landed on her forehead, to prevent it from frowning.

"Relax," uttered I in a calm voice. "Are you feeling okay now?" asked I. "I heard your bragging earlier, so, I'd assume you are already on your right mind." and she glared at me with that statement. I must suggest a peace offering with this cheetah right after. "or should we just buy ice cream?" I added hastily.

"No, it's okay," she answered bluntly.

"And why is that?"

"Because we didn't pay our bills yet" she disappointedly replied, she loves ice cream, and I also kind of like it, a bit. But since we didn't yet pay our water and electric bills, we didn't have the guts to treat ourselves.

That thought she said just literally pulled me back to reality, that we're not in high schools anymore to enjoy and please ourselves with whatsoever we think of. We must be prioritizing the expenses we have inside our small fridge, tiny stomach, and all around this little mansion, if not, our pockets will be tearing apart.  

I think of an idea that could help her unwind, to at least refresh her mind from overthinking about her company, about her book, about Haze, about everything. Everything that exists makes her overthink.

She doesn't even get this attitude of mine. I don't even think about it or don't even bother to have a space for overthinking, just let it pass, I always say to myself.

But before I could utter what I'm about to say, she might've found something in her thoughts while drowning in it, that tickles her mouth to speak.

"Ah!" she exclaimed suddenly. So I turned to her just to witness how joyful her facial expression was. "Should we just visit—"

"Should we pay a visit to your parents then? I'm okay with that" I continued what she was trying to suggest, that also will be my suggestion. "It's the weekend and it's been a while since we visited Mom," I added. her Mom and Dad are also my parents, in my heart. It's nice that we will be able to visit them again.

But her face pictures a reaction that she isn't thinking the same idea as I do, doesn't she?

"the library" she disappointedly mumbled, and her shoulder fell from its perfect poise. "I want to go to the library, not to my parent's place. I'll be needing more references for my second book if the previous one is not approved."

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