CHAPTER 10: Fall and Compassion

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Lay's point of view

"In Genesis chapter 3 verses 1 through 5, the serpent tempted Eve and Adam of the fruit's pleasing taste on their physical body and its effect on how they could live, which will make them wise and be as gods." the Pastor started.

I opened the bible and searched for the verses he mentioned.

"...but the serpent did not make the two robots. He still provided two choices though he wanted to highlight the part that he wanted them to taste the fruit of the forbidden tree. Adam and Eve had a choice, but they chose the wrong one." he added.

Claire leaned her head near mine, "Then why did God let the serpent enter the garden of Eden? He could've just stopped the devil from tempting them." she wondered.

"I don't know. Maybe because God wants to see if Eve and Adam will obey His commandment? I'm not sure."

"Oh– maybe that was it." she nodded. She seemed satisfied with my answers.

"It's not." the man beside me inserted. It was Ezekiel. He loves eavesdropping, that is why he chose to be a Psychologist, he mastered listening too much— too much.

"What was the reason then?" Claire asked. They are talking to each other while having me in between. Is this some kind of third-wheeling?

"Why don't we just listen to the Pastor's explanation—" he cut me off by pulling out a piece of paper from his bag and Claire couldn't take her eyes off what he was writing on it. "...the Pastor is—"


Did Clare just shh me? Where they are the ones who are not listening to the Pastor, explaining every detail that they need to know— never mind.

The two continued to discuss things, and my ears couldn't focus on where I should listen, on my left, on my right, or my front.

"Can you talk about it outside and focus on the preaching instead?" I whispered. But they both shh me. Never mind. I didn't have a lot of patience with me today. I just need to focus on what the Pastor is saying for me to learn, and this day would be very meaningful at least– as long as I won't listen to them.

"...if everything is under God's control, why can't God choose what will be the best for us?" the Pastor opened. "It's because God doesn't want us to be robots having batteries and remote controls. Like moving our fingers because God presses a button, peeing because he wishes, and obeying Him because he's desperate for it. That's not what God wants us to do. He wanted a full obedience, not half, not almost, not more than 90 but a hundred percent obedience, we are made with a freedom of choice whether we listen or not—"

"...that's what God meant to happen." I heard Ezekiel uttered while speaking to Claire. Looks like they are also concluding their preaching. Claire didn't even bother to ask me earlier if I wanted to switch my seat with hers. I'm grateful to do that at least, but I'm afraid she'll just shh me.

The Pastor almost finished his preaching and I heard only a few because of too much distraction beside me, side by side. A bird's song will be much better than their whisperings.

"Are you not finished yet?" My voice sounds a bit annoyed.

"Almost," they answered.

There's only one thing that could make them stop.

"What happened to your arm?" I randomly asked. Both of them looked at me with their confused reaction. " it not sprained?" Ezekiel stared at his arm, left and right.

"my arm?" Ezekiel took the bait. "It's normal, working fine," he answered. And wiggled them a bit.

"Stretched it up so you can check whether it's fine or not." please fall in the hole. I noticed Claire didn't take the bait because she smelled something fishy. She's just staring at me though.

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