The Return - Chapter 4

Start from the beginning

"I... I know a little bit of hacking. If they are using some kind of code to communicate, it must be on their phone. Maybe a secret message app or mail, something. If we can figure it out, we can use that to lure them into one place. But how are we going to make sure that the killer is following them?"

"Good question," Alec said, eyes fixated on the wall in front while his thumb rubbed against Magnus' hand. "What if we send some anonymous tip to the killer?"

"Are you insane, Alexander?" Magnus sat up and glared daggers at him. "No. We're not doing such a thing. Let me get into their phones first, if by any chance that killer is keeping an eye on them, or tracking them, I'll get to know, but we're not doing any stupidity like that."

"Jeez, love! Calm down. I have a spare laptop with me, which I barely use. We can use that. The sooner we get this over with, the better."


"Bingo!" Magnus squealed, making him sit up alert, as he was about to fall asleep.

"What? What happened?"

"The killer has bugged their phones. I've come across chats from which it's evident that they had come across the killer but luckily ran away unharmed."

"So it'll be easy to lure the killer too. Good. But where, when, and how?"

"See here, they're using this code to meet at... oh wow, remember this place, darling?"

Alec read the message then saw the picture that was attached and his jaw dropped. "Where I lured Gabriel to, the abandoned construction site. Where you..." he trailed off and exchanged a look with his husband.

"Should we do it now? Everyone's tired and asleep so it'll be easy for us to leave." Magnus said, "I'll deliver the message to everyone's mail from the same address, asking them to meet in half an hour. The killer will get the message too and will be there. If in case... I... I had to.... kill... it won't be tough to..."

"Hey," Alec cupped his husband's face, looking deep into his chocolate brown eyes, noticing the pain, shame, and hesitation in them. "Love, it's okay. If you for whatever reason have to kill again, I'm with you, okay? Be it the killer or... them. Let's do this now."


*In the Lightwood Farmhouse Backyard*

"You do realize once our partners realize we're gone, they'll kill us, right, Luke?" Jace said, raising his brow at his soon-to-be father-in-law and boss.

"It was so tough to sneak out when Simon is a light sleeper. He's definitely going to kill me." Izzy said, handing a tablet to Jia.

"We can't stop until this killer is caught, and you all know that," Jia said sternly. "Now, what's this about?"

"It's a message Liam, Chris, Julias, and Derik received a few minutes ago. Looks like a meeting ground for them. Whatever it's about, it might or might not be related to their connection with other victims. We can follow them and find out if it's related or not. In any way, it definitely is something shady, and we can uncover something big."

"You have a point, Izzy. Nice work. But how do you get this information?"

Izzy exchanged a look with Jace. "We have actually hired an ethical hacker for cases like these," Jace said hesitantly.

"And you two didn't care to tell us? Seriously?" Luke raised his brow.

"Sorry boss." They both said in unison.

"Anyhow, let's move. This message says to meet in half an hour. I'll deal with my wife's scolding later."


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