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The next day's morning sun filtered through the lace curtains of the room above the toy shop, casting a soft glow over Minyong's peaceful slumber. She stirred, reluctantly emerging from the embrace of sleep, her mind still foggy with dreams.

As she stretched and yawned, the sound of laughter and chatter from downstairs reminded her of the day ahead. Today was the day they would plan a surprise anniversary celebration for Mr. and Mrs. Yang, and Minyong couldn't help but feel a flutter of excitement at the thought.

Before she could fully awaken, the door burst open, and a whirlwind of energy swept into the room. It was Somi, her roommate, wearing a wide grin and an oversized sweater that engulfed her petite frame.

"Rise and shine, Minyong!" Somi exclaimed, bouncing onto the bed with all the enthusiasm of a puppy. "We've got a big day ahead of us!"

Minyong groaned, burying her face in the pillow. "Can't we just sleep till noon and call it a day?"

Somi laughed, her laughter ringing like bells in the quiet room. "Not a chance, sleepyhead! We've got a surprise party to plan, remember?"

With a resigned sigh, Minyong dragged herself out of bed, the promise of tea and breakfast luring her out of her sleepy haze. As they made their way downstairs to the toy shop, Minyong couldn't help but marvel at Somi's boundless energy and infectious enthusiasm.

The room was already abuzz with activity as Seungmin and Jeongin discussed their plans for the day. Minyong joined them, her mind buzzing with ideas for the surprise celebration."So, what's the plan?" Minyong asked, pouring herself a cup of tea.

"Good morning, sleepyhead!" Seungmin called out with a grin. "Ready to get down to business?"

Minyong shot him a playful glare. "Don't remind me. I was perfectly content in my dreamland until Somi decided to stage a wake-up call."

Somi grinned unapologetically. "You can thank me later. Now, let's get planning!"

Jeongin nodded in agreement. "We've already made a list of everything we need. You two just need to head to the market and pick up your share."

Somi clapped her hands excitedly. "I love a good shopping spree! Let's make this party one to remember!"

With their mission set, Minyong and Somi set off to the market, armed with a list and a sense of determination. The market square was a hive of activity, with vendors hawking their wares and shoppers bustling about in search of the perfect ingredients for their meals.

As they perused the stalls, Minyong couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. She glanced around, her eyes scanning the crowd for any sign but it was to no avail.

Shrugging off the sense of unease, Minyong focused on the task at hand, her mind occupied with thoughts of party planning and the excitement of the day ahead.

With their baskets filled with fresh produce, meats, and other essentials, Minyong and Somi made their way back to the toy shop, their arms laden with bags and their hearts full of anticipation.

And so, the five of them huddled together in the cozy back room of the toy shop, their heads buzzing with ideas and excitement. They discussed everything from decorations to food, games, and entertainment, each contributing their unique perspective and talents to the plan.

Jeongin suggested setting up a photo booth with vintage props to capture memories throughout the party, while Seungmin proposed a scavenger hunt with clues hidden throughout the town. Somi, ever the social butterfly, insisted on inviting the entire town to join in the festivities, much to Minyong's amusement.

"Are you sure the entire town wants to celebrate Mr. and Mrs. Yang's anniversary with us?" Minyong teased, raising an eyebrow.

Somi shrugged, a mischievous twinkle in her eye. "Why not? The more, the merrier! Plus, who can resist a good party?"

As they delved deeper into the planning process, Minyong couldn't help but marvel at the camaraderie and synergy that flowed between them. Despite their diverse backgrounds and interests, they were united by a shared desire to make the Yangs' anniversary celebration truly memorable.

Hours flew by in a whirlwind of brainstorming, laughter, and shared memories. By the time they emerged from their planning session, the sun had begun its descent, casting a warm glow over the town.

With a sense of satisfaction and anticipation, they bid farewell to the toy shop for the day, their hearts brimming with excitement for the surprise party that awaited the following evening.

As Minyong made her way to the market to buy her share of the party supplies. Skipping and humming her favourite song, basket swinging back and forth. 

She couldn't shake the feeling of being watched. Glancing around in the crowd, she caught sight of a strange man dressed in all black, leaning on the red brick wall. His gaze fixed on her (chest)  (a pervert) with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

For a brief moment, their eyes met, and Minyong felt a sense of unease wash over her. Who was this mysterious figure, and why was he watching her? With a furrowed brow, she quickened her pace, eager to escape the unsettling encounter.



845 words <3

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