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The city lights shimmered in the twilight as the 19 year old Minyong exited the bustling café, her apron draped over her arm. The scent of freshly brewed coffee lingered on her clothes, a comforting reminder of the part-time job that helped sustain her studies. The day had been long, but there was something about the cool evening air that invigorated her. She adjusted her backpack, ready to embrace the solitude of the quiet streets on her way home.

As she strolled down the dimly lit sidewalk, Minyong noticed a frail figure huddled on a bench beneath the flickering glow of a streetlamp. A shiver ran down the old woman's spine, and she clutched a thin shawl tighter around her shoulders. Her silvery hair cascaded in gentle waves, and the lines on her face spoke of a lifetime etched with stories

In that moment, Minyong felt an instinctual pull, a compassionate nudge to offer assistance. She approached the woman with a warm smile.

"Excuse me, ma'am. Are you all right? It's getting chilly out here," Minyong said, her breath forming a small cloud in the crisp air.

The old woman looked up, her eyes revealing a mix of surprise and gratitude. "Oh, dear, just a bit cold. Thank you for your concern."

Without hesitation, Minyong draped her apron over the woman's shoulders, providing an extra layer against the evening chill. "My shift just ended, and I have a spare. Please, keep warm."

The old woman's eyes twinkled with appreciation. "You have a kind heart, young one. I'm Betty . What's your name?"

"Minyong," she replied, feeling a connection beyond the simple act of kindness. They began to chat, their conversation weaving through the fabric of their lives, connecting past and present.

As the night deepened, Betty reached into the folds of her shawl, revealing a delicate necklace clasped around her neck. The pendant, a, caught the dim light, its ancient beauty drawing Minyong's gaze.

A visual representation of how the necklace looks.

A visual representation of how the necklace looks

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(this is how the necklace looks...the red ruby heart spins kinda like the compass in the straykids's version 1 lightstick.)

"I sense a rare kindness in you, Minyong. As a token of my gratitude, I want you to have this," Betty said, gently placing the time-worn necklace in Minyong's hands.

Minyong examined the pendant, feeling a mysterious energy emanating from it. "What is it?"

Betty smiled knowingly. "Great power comes great responsibility.", she whispered to herself.

Seeing the old lady walk away into the dark night, Minyong secured the necklace around her neck. The world around her blurred, and a sense of anticipation tingled in the cool night air. Little did Minyong know that this chance encounter would unlock a journey beyond the confines of time itself, changing the course of her life forever.

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