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Seungmin grinned, his initial irritation fading as he looked at Minyong more closely. "Well, I guess I can't stay mad at someone who looks so lost and bewildered. What brings you to our quaint little town?"

Minyong hesitated, unsure of how much to reveal. "I... I'm just passing through," she finally managed to say, avoiding eye contact.

The brown haired boy raised an eyebrow, his curiosity evident. "Passing through, huh? You're not from around here, that's for sure. Your accent gives it away."

Minyong bit her lip, realizing that her modern speech might be another giveaway. "Yeah, I'm not from around here," she admitted, deciding to keep it vague. "I got a bit lost and, well, time seems to have played a trick on me."

Seungmin chuckled. "Time, huh? That's a good one. Anyway, I have to get going. I'm late for work at the toy shop." He gestured towards the quaint store down the street.

"I, uh, actually need a job ,as well as a place to live for a while. Do you think they're hiring?", the doe eyed girl asked the boy.

Seungmin's expression shifted from amusement to genuine interest. "Well, you're in luck. They are, in fact, looking for someone. Mrs. Yang, the owner, is always on the lookout for extra hands. Come with me, I'll introduce you."

As they approached the toy shop, Minyong's mind raced. Could this be her way to survive in this unfamiliar time until she figured out how to return? The bell above the door jingled as they entered, and a friendly older couple looked up from behind the counter.

Minyong's eyes widened in recognition. The lady was Betty, the same woman who had given her this necklace. However, the lady did not seem to recognize her, she now looked much younger and healthier. 

The girl's eyes quickly darted to the calendar on the pista-green wall behind the couple. It read 2nd of June 1984. She was now entirely convinced that she was in the past.

 "Seungmin! You're late again," scolded, the woman, Mrs. Yang, though her gaze quickly shifted to Minyong. "And who's this?"

Seungmin grinned. "This is Minyong. She's looking for a job and a place to stay and I thought of you right away.

Mrs. Kim studied Minyong for a moment before smiling warmly. "Well, we could use an extra pair of hands. How about we start with a trial period? And if all goes well, we might have a permanent position for you."

"Oh! and we have an extra room upstairs. You can stay and pay us back in by working here."

Minyong's heart soared with relief. "Thank you so much. I really appreciate this."

As she embarked on her new job at the toy shop, Minyong couldn't help but wonder if the solution to her time-traveling predicament was right in front of her – hidden among the vintage toys and the kind couple who owned the shop.


This chapter was pretty short. It was just a filler for the next one hehe ;)

thank you for reading! 

have a nice day/night. <3

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