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Doc's pov:

"I DID WHAT?!"X would yell, he would be sitting up in his bed.

"This is what happens when you don't sleep X"Cleo said 

"mhm"I agreed with Cleo.

"When was the last time I slept??"X asked.

"a few minutes ago?"Ren said, I continued to look at X.

"I meant before..."X said before Cleo cut him off.

"Some how you managed to not sleep for over a month-"Cleo said.

"I'm going to regret this aren't I?"X said with a sigh.

"Yes, Zed and Gregg wouldn't find it an issue at all, perhaps the same with Impulse and Skizz or even Mumbo"I said as I glanced over at Cleo who than spoke.

"But than you have the triplets, our local psychopath Pearl, Gem and Scar and not to forget Doc, and -...myself including are not as happy with this-"Cleo said with slight hesitation.

"and is it still to late to call it off?"X asked as me and Cleo nodded.

"we are going to have some very grumpy birdies"Cleo said with a chuckle trying to lighten the mood.

"yeah-"X giggled a little.

"this is going to be a change for them, Pearl and you have basically raised the triplets and Scar, Gem..."A old guy said, he had a Iron Pickaxe over his shoulder, he wore a black shirt and grey pants, he wore some iron boots that was covered in dirt, apon his face he had a grey beard grey hair and blue eyes, one more glance at him and you would see a logo on the top of his shirt reading TFC in white and red. He walked over to the bedside sitting beside X putting a hand on his shoulder.

"I agree with Tin"I said, I sighed.

"Well than- I suppose your right Tfc "X said looking up at Tfc who had a gentle smile on his face which could brighten anyone's day "Doc, Cleo, are you two going to be alright with this?"

I sighed "well its for future me to decide if I want to actually go meet them or- continue some experiment in the perimeter, I had this idea to try make a wither friendly"

"Don't get to carried away doc!"Cleo said than let out a sigh"and X I suppose I might as well try talk to them"I spotted Cleo roll her eyes.

"Well I guess I should get to work-"I said turning around, I would open the door and wave goodbye before I headed off.


While I was flying I was just thinking 'X needs to sleep more or I might just start knocking him out at this point, who would of guess that I would be meeting my parents....I don't think I even remember them, I wonder what Cleos parents would think about her being a Zombie'I thought 'I wonder what the other hermits would think about me and Zed, I mean Cleo Tfc and X already know, Eh.'I shrugged and continued flying.

I looked down onto Scarland and I think I see Scar and Grian fighting over som- oh-.

"SCAR PUT YOUR CLOTHES BACK ON!"I could easily hear Grian yell at the top of his lungs, was Scar on his hot guy outfit?

I flew down and landed perfectly, as always. I straightened my lab coat by adjusting it.

"what's going on?"I asked

"oh hey doc!"Scar said cheerfully!

"Scar won't put his shirt back on!"Grian complained.

I sighed "I would of thought you two would of went to pearl about this but its great to see you guys didn't do that, anyway- I don't see a problem with scar being shirtless!"

"C'mon Grian, Doc doesn't wear a shirt!"Scar said.

"It's different! he wears a lab coat!"Grian said.

"your just Jealous that I have abs!"Scar said

"Scar go put a shirt on before I get Cleo!"I said with a sigh.

"I wouldn't be surprised if Cleo dressed scar and made him wear armour!"I hear someone say, I turn around to see someone with blond hair green shirt.

"aren't you that Martyn guy?"I looked at him.

"yes I am!"Martyn said cheerfully.

"Alright than you can deal with these two! I'm off!"I said before taking off to the perimeter!

(Hope Ya'll enjoyed this! I wonder if you guys can catch the references? or the ReLaTiOnS, Btw if any of you guys have tips on how to improve my writing pls tell!)

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